what if you take the whole vent out, you might be able to reach it then, just make sure you do a good job resealing around the edges when you put it back in.
is that pool a little too deep
is that pool a little too deep
Thanks mate dont need much egging on been looking for a bigger van around 18" but to do that ill need a new tow car.
Anyway all that work on the garage for the van might be waste of time.
Thanks to a gun ho excavation operator (the owner) last Friday he couldn't wait for the engineer to come and started cutting more of the wall away.
This resulted in part of the wall to collapsed and then all of the wall collapsed bring down next door neighbour fence.
The builder is trying to at lay the cost to me, don't think so.
It got even better on Tuesday lunch time when a friendly visit from Workcover. They automatically closed the site down and no further work was allowed. Lucky for the builder he was not onsite. For work to continue the builder will need new engineer reports and a Geo Tech report.
Work start up again today. All this for a caravan plus a big garage/man cave
Here is some pics
When i first got there
5min later
Workcover man
Todays work - 1500 core hole, steel beam
The timber will go in between the steel beams
Not bad......be careful of these guys like @bigcol @dagree @Holden_man @chartrock @Bluey @crackacoldie @achjimmy @twscoot @expanda @mfexpanda they will just egg you on until you end up doing this
I blame them....not myself.....they just kept egging me on...........
apparently your Dingo is bigger than mine......:drum:
this goes to show how strong your retaining wall needs to be the stories I could tell if work safe are involved it should be done correct but mother nature will always find a way to work out our faults remember you have to live there not the crew building it so make sure your happy with all works are they putting a drain behind the wall for water build up I hate agi pipes as they fill with crap in a few years they don't work , I like pvc pipes with slits in it to catch water and can be cleaned out if needed , you must get the water away , im sure you know that or I hope they do , the power of water wet soil can be greater then the dark side of the force , they could put a few drains at different levels ?????// stabilised sand behind wall could be good sand mixed with concrete we use it a lot but you may need to pump it in no access for trucks to pour ,,,, don't cut corners they will come back to haunt you what are they doing about preventing rust in the steel ??????? they are building this to last forever any questions or worries go to your engineer hope hes not just out of school and knows his stuff may the force be with you !!!Thanks mate dont need much egging on been looking for a bigger van around 18" but to do that ill need a new tow car.
Anyway all that work on the garage for the van might be waste of time.
Thanks to a gun ho excavation operator (the owner) last Friday he couldn't wait for the engineer to come and started cutting more of the wall away.
This resulted in part of the wall to collapsed and then all of the wall collapsed bring down next door neighbour fence.
The builder is trying to at lay the cost to me, don't think so.
It got even better on Tuesday lunch time when a friendly visit from Workcover. They automatically closed the site down and no further work was allowed. Lucky for the builder he was not onsite. For work to continue the builder will need new engineer reports and a Geo Tech report.
Work start up again today. All this for a caravan plus a big garage/man cave
Here is some pics
When i first got there
5min later
Workcover man
Todays work - 1500 core hole, steel beam
The timber will go in between the steel beams