Which Camera Are You Using?


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2015
Hey All

Looking at getting a new camera for our trip and thought it might be worth a post to see what others are using when travelling around so many to choose from compact, mirrorless, SLR etc etc.

What is everyone using and any thoughts on the best all purpose camera for a big trip in the van

Sorry guys, could have posted in the "Off Topic" section instead......

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
Central Coast
I am a pro photographer and have lots of gear as you could imagine. I never take dslr's on holidays. They are just too big and bulky.

We have a Sony RX100 it's a small point and shoot which is surprisingly good. You can set it up to have most controls at your fingertips so you can shoot manually if needed. It's a great little camera would highly recommend it. Another good option would be a mirrorless camera from Fuji. I'm not sure on what the latest models of these are but they are loved by some pro shooters moving away from dslr's,still behind in some areas like focus but close to dslr's as far as what you can do with one.

My advice is something like a Sony RX 100.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
I have the canon ixus which I love. Great for point n shoot, plus it's great on the 'quick shots'. Also got a Nikon underwater for coral bay which is good when the lights good and then I've got the GoPro which I tested at Margaret's last year. Can let you know how that turns out after coral bay. (Although it's really only for movies)


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
I have a Canon 60D with a 18-55mm lens and a 50-250mm lens, it covers everything I need. Hand held digitals are OK but you'd want one that uses the lens for zooming, not digital zooming. Digital zoom doesn't have the same quality as the lens zoom due to the increase in pixel size or so I'm told by my local camera shop. @JT76 can probably offer a comment on this.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
Central Coast
@peterg yeah digital zoom would be the same as taking a photo then zooming in and croping on a computer, so you lose quality. The more you zoom the more you lose.

Something like the Nikon D7200 as @BigSkiddy said is a great little camera but to be honest any dslr from the last 5 years would produce great images. If going down the dslr route just get the cheapest one and spend more on a good lens. A $500 dslr with a $2500-$3000 lens would be a better unit than a pro $10k plus camera if you stick a cheap ($500) lens on it.

Still would stick to something small like a RX100 for around $500 you will have something you can put in your pocket and give you great quality too. Or mirrorless might be $1000 plus and give you a little more flexibility with lens choice, but then you need to spend $$$ on nice glass to make it worth while.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
My "2 Bob's" worth @burnsie .... Not that I am a Pro ;)
A lot depends on what you are willing to spend and what you are going to do with the pics afterwards!
I have a Canon EOS 400D DLSR with the standard Canon 50mm and Tamron 18-270 lenses.
Also have an "el cheapo" Canon Powershot A220 ($89) point and shoot that I bought two years ago after leaving the other one at home when we went away once.
Normally take/use the DLSR when doing the sight seeing duties but have the Point and Shoot on hand in the car for the quick pics :photo:

To be honest quality wise (Without getting them enlarged and printed ) the quality looks just as good on screen and in small print!

You now have me thinking of how to explain to Greer that I NEED to upgrade :sad:


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2014
We usually take two cameras away on trips either camping/touring or overseas.
A DSLR with an additional lens and a Nikon underwater point and shoot. The Nikon gets the most work like 80+% of it. So easy to stick in your pocket when walking the sights. Took it on white water rapid rides in Disney World earlier this year for some video action and doesn't matter if it gets wet. Used it for snorkelling at Isle of Pines etc.
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Sammy D

Active Member
Feb 14, 2016
We are not usually big picture takers but use an old (not their first model but definitely has a few years on it now) Olympus "tough" camera. Before that we broke/drowned a few different cameras and it has been the only one that has lasted us a reasonable amount of time. It might be a bit agricultural but doesn't require tender loving care.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I have a Sony DSLR with a couple of lens's, (it's under the bed in van so no numbers) it takes wonderful pics but have found for the quicky shots my phone does a good job (Telstra BigMax), I also have an Aldi waterproof job for use on the water, not fantastic but reasonable for online stuff, there's also a FinePix sitting around somewhere but such an early digital it's a bit slow, my Yashica 35G is ancient and uses a thing called film you may have to google it also have another Nikon camera, takes great pics but film is a pain.

Depends on what you want to do, most stuff is on line pics, so really a smart phone is just as good, if you want to print then a good camera is needed but high dollars are a waste if you don't know how to use it..............have seen a $75 camera put out better shots than a $5000 camera but then it depends when the button is pushed.....Most pics are so digitally altered nowadays it takes talent to do it straight like in the film days...............I don't change mine.


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
Maudsland Gold Coast Hinterland Qld
Hey burnsie
Like many of the others I seem to have acquired a few different cameras for our trips away. they range from a canon DSLR down to a small Nikon waterproof for when we take to the water. The one feature i do like in a camera is the ability to take still shots as well as video, I don't know about you but sometimes i find a still shot just doesn't capture the moment, especially if our boys are attempting something new. at these times it is nice to be able to switch to video instead. I also use the photosphere feature on the phone, at times it gives a great way to show others the whole perspective of where we were.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Panasonic Lumix FT6. Around $350. Great pics and video. Point and shoot. Water proof to 13m, can drop it 2m. Camo color (very cool). GPS so you dont have battle your Alzheimer’s remembering what the hell that photo was. Compass direction, for when Google map location is not quiet enough help. WiFi sends the camera pics straight to your computer, or your phone to upload to this forum. 1080 full HD video.

Altimeter and barometer ... not sure about those, maybe do your own weather predictions

Its tiny, takes great pics, i carry it everywhere including my board shorts in the surf.

The best camera is the one you have with you ... and the one thats easiest to carry with you is the one youll have with you more often.

Ive had every model of the Lumix FT series, 1 thru 6. Each one has been good to us.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2015
Update: so ended up with a Olympus EM1 MFT Mirrorless with the weather sealed 12-40 Pro lens and picked up a 40-150 lens for the distance pics, the new model of this will be out by the end of the year but I needed something for the trip and the price on this was too good to pass on, should be good for the task at hand. Will also take the Go Pro and the Olympus Tough camera for the water and more adventurous terrains and allow the kids to use them as well.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
SWMBO has more camera's than I know what to do with

the good part is (as I rarely take pictures) I inherit one of her older ones

currently I have
a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5

Olympus Pen with more filters & lenses than I know what to do with
and my favourate
my Fathers old Pentax Spotmatic 35mm - first camera I ever used, and I love it to death