So had an interesting afternoon today.
After our recent 4200km trip around Queensland, I noticed the front left tyre scrubbing badly, and decided to take it for a wheel alignment.
I contacted my local tyre guy and asked if they did alignments on caravans, just encase I could do something locally. He actually laughed, and said, no I don't think anyone does those........hmmm, might need to find a new tyre guy.
Anyhow, booked into Pro-Axle truck aligning at Narellan, and took it out there.
The toe in on the front left was 20mm out, and one the right was 9mm out, no wonder I was getting tyre wear !!
Cost me $275.00, but hopefully will result in the tyres lasting much longer and with that much out, it may even result in better fuel economy (combine with pumping up the tyres a bit more per the tyre pressure thread).
On the way, I also decided to put the car and van over a weighbridge, as I have been wanting to see the real world weights for a while now.
So according to my compliance plate my ATM is 3091 - actual weight 3200, GTM is supposed to be 2920, actual 2960 and the GCM of the cruiser is 6680 and actual is 6400 (at least 1 of them was under, but add in a couple of bodies and we would be nearly there). Max ball loading is plated as 211kg, 244 actual
Both water tanks were at 3/4 full, so another 40 odd kg's when they are full.
Its a shame Jayco don't do the real world weights, because now I'm in a position of being over weight, when with some work at the manufacture end with the stroke of a pen I wouldn't be.
Not a real lot I can do about it, as we really don't have anything in the van that we would consider unnecessary.
After our recent 4200km trip around Queensland, I noticed the front left tyre scrubbing badly, and decided to take it for a wheel alignment.
I contacted my local tyre guy and asked if they did alignments on caravans, just encase I could do something locally. He actually laughed, and said, no I don't think anyone does those........hmmm, might need to find a new tyre guy.
Anyhow, booked into Pro-Axle truck aligning at Narellan, and took it out there.
The toe in on the front left was 20mm out, and one the right was 9mm out, no wonder I was getting tyre wear !!
Cost me $275.00, but hopefully will result in the tyres lasting much longer and with that much out, it may even result in better fuel economy (combine with pumping up the tyres a bit more per the tyre pressure thread).
On the way, I also decided to put the car and van over a weighbridge, as I have been wanting to see the real world weights for a while now.
So according to my compliance plate my ATM is 3091 - actual weight 3200, GTM is supposed to be 2920, actual 2960 and the GCM of the cruiser is 6680 and actual is 6400 (at least 1 of them was under, but add in a couple of bodies and we would be nearly there). Max ball loading is plated as 211kg, 244 actual
Both water tanks were at 3/4 full, so another 40 odd kg's when they are full.
Its a shame Jayco don't do the real world weights, because now I'm in a position of being over weight, when with some work at the manufacture end with the stroke of a pen I wouldn't be.
Not a real lot I can do about it, as we really don't have anything in the van that we would consider unnecessary.