Triple Bunks


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
Has anyone got a van with triple bunks? How do your kids find them? We want a van with a good size bathroom, similar to the 20-63.1 but we have 3 kids. I am worried the kids would hate it. We are not too keen on the combo bathrooms, but may have to resort to one.



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
We had triple bunks in our 24-65.4. The older 2 children were not big fans as the top bunk was very hot in summer(small air space near the roof) and generally very limited head space, so they could not sit up in bed. The double bunks do not seem to have the same problem.

Four of us

Active Member
Apr 27, 2011
Ipswich QLD
Has anyone got a van with triple bunks? How do your kids find them? We want a van with a good size bathroom, similar to the 20-63.1 but we have 3 kids. I am worried the kids would hate it. We are not too keen on the combo bathrooms, but may have to resort to one.


we also have 3 kids now as well and we have the double bunks in our van. The 6 yr old sleeps on the top bunk and loves it. Heaps of head space and he is able to sit up without bumping his head on the roof. We have the 17.56.2 and the other son sleeps on the other expanda fold out end.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
I sold our old Galaxy full van with triple bunks to get the Expanda.
We have 3 kids and as others have said, there isn't a lot of room once they are in bed. None of them could sit up in bed and the bottom bunk was literally on the floor!!

My oldest is quite tall and even a few years ago watching her try and climb into the middle bunk was like watching a giraffe climb through a coathanger................limbs

It convinced us that they were all only going to get bigger and soon wouldn't fit, so it had to go and the Expanda is a far better option IMHO.
The only downside for you would be the combo bathroom, but i guess compromises sometimes need to be made.
A triple bunk van with separate shower/toilet would be a massive van..