Hello all,
By way of introduction, we are the Mansell family. Mum, Dad and three kids aged 5,6 and 7. We have been planning (and saving) for many years to purchase an expanda. The wait is almost over for us now and we are very excited.
We ordered our 17.56.2OB with "most" of the bells and whistles at the Sydney caravan show (along with a roof topper boat for the tow vehicle - Patrol). I believe that she is going to be officially ready tomorrow, although we are not picking her up until early September direct from the Dandenong factory.
We have been drawing useful information from this site for a long time and hope that we have gained enough information as first time caravan owners to order the right van and inclusions.
Our main reason for purchase was to travel Oz for 12 months starting January 2014. Have had to trade in the camper trailer to make room for the van but hope to get used to using a van and living with a little more luxury before we call her our home for the year.
Looking forward to posting more when she is commisioned.
By way of introduction, we are the Mansell family. Mum, Dad and three kids aged 5,6 and 7. We have been planning (and saving) for many years to purchase an expanda. The wait is almost over for us now and we are very excited.
We ordered our 17.56.2OB with "most" of the bells and whistles at the Sydney caravan show (along with a roof topper boat for the tow vehicle - Patrol). I believe that she is going to be officially ready tomorrow, although we are not picking her up until early September direct from the Dandenong factory.
We have been drawing useful information from this site for a long time and hope that we have gained enough information as first time caravan owners to order the right van and inclusions.
Our main reason for purchase was to travel Oz for 12 months starting January 2014. Have had to trade in the camper trailer to make room for the van but hope to get used to using a van and living with a little more luxury before we call her our home for the year.
Looking forward to posting more when she is commisioned.