16' Series Suspension upgrade


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
An ATM increase is for increasing the overall load capacity of the van, dependiing on the suspension type it can be easy or expensive, the first thing which can make or break the idea is the load rating of the chassis as that can't be changed, some chassis on smaller vans are only 3 ton, axles, springs can be changed to accomodate an increase in loading ........................

If you want an extra couple of hundred kgs check the load rating of the axles they are often a few hundred KGs above the GTM figure even ATM so all that is needed is the vehicle weighed, checked and a Mod Plate fitted showing new ATM/GTM , new rims and tyres may be required otherwise its new springs/axles....


New Member
Jan 18, 2013
An ATM increase is for increasing the overall load capacity of the van, dependiing on the suspension type it can be easy or expensive, the first thing which can make or break the idea is the load rating of the chassis as that can't be changed, some chassis on smaller vans are only 3 ton, axles, springs can be changed to accomodate an increase in loading ........................

If you want an extra couple of hundred kgs check the load rating of the axles they are often a few hundred KGs above the GTM figure even ATM so all that is needed is the vehicle weighed, checked and a Mod Plate fitted showing new ATM/GTM , new rims and tyres may be required otherwise its new springs/axles....
Thanks Drover, I was hoping to go from 2t to 2.5t which I know is not the cheapest thing as I have to change springs, axle, basically everything. But it wall allow me to add more water and stay off grid longer.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
So I assume you have a single axle rig, it does depend on what the limits are on the plate, you can often scrape an extra 100 maybe 200kg without any major changes........ Whats the details on your van ??? and suspension type ??

Really just google "Caravan ATM increase WA", check out the mobs doing it, advice on most blogs is just camp fire chatter in most cases as each van is so different in weight and suspension....... some vans an increase is not possible but a good rule of thumb is if the mythical Tare weight is only 200 odd kgs less than the GTM you in with a chance if the difference is 400 or so then not much hope ................... Tare weight is a myth, you will only ever find it stamped on the plate never see it on a scale.....................
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