Storage requirements


Active Member
Feb 28, 2016
Hi All

just got back from the first 3 week trip in the van (will put a post up soon with some pics etc). Had a few minor issues found during trip but should all be sorted under warranty so not too worried. Just a couple of questions about storing van between trips...

1. Are you supposed to store water tanks full or empty?
2. Is it OK to store van with toilet flush tank full as haven't had a chance to use it yet. (waste tank is empty obviously)
3. Do I need to drain the water heater somehow between uses or is it ok to leave it as is (was used on 240v during trip so most likely has water in it.)
4. Do I need to have battery switched to 'ON' on drifter panel for it to be charged off 240V or will it still charge when switched off and just not run things?



Jayco maiden voyage.jpg


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014

I can only tell you what we do...with no problems far.

Others could do it differently and I guess it'll depend on the possible time between use.

  • Water tanks filled before van stored....we find it keeps air water interaction (algae growth) to a minimum
  • Flush tank full..waste tank empty
  • Water heater ....we just leave as is but I can't see any issue with draining fact, I never thought of draining it!
  • Battery switch off....but we keep ours charged via solar and that bypasses the battery. When we used 240 we charged for about eight hours one a month as per Jayco recommendation ....battery switch off as well.
Where is the van to be stored? If possible, allow some air into the van.....we leave pop top clips undone and a window partly open but it's in a shed so that might not be possible. Wherever it is, try to air it relatively frequently....some use those mould tablets.

Well look forward to the photos!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hi All

1. Are you supposed to store water tanks full or empty?
2. Is it OK to store van with toilet flush tank full as haven't had a chance to use it yet. (waste tank is empty obviously)
3. Do I need to drain the water heater somehow between uses or is it ok to leave it as is (was used on 240v during trip so most likely has water in it.)
4. Do I need to have battery switched to 'ON' on drifter panel for it to be charged off 240V or will it still charge when switched off and just not run things?



View attachment 47501

Great to see a pic, we love pics and look forward to your next lot..........

1. Can be some argy bargy on this but I always store them full, keeps beasties at bay and having lived off rain water tanks for the last 26 years water stored for months won't kill you.........when I wash Big Mal I use the water in the tanks, gives the plumbing and pump a bit of exercise as well.

2. Have a read of your Thetford book it advises to drain the flush tank, easy to do, I always left the drain hose down and the fill point turned over, if you don't have a manual they can be downloaded from their site.

3. Again they advise to leave it full , though I would advise if the last place you got water from had hard water then flush the whole system, cold, and replace with better water. My rig gets done with tank water. Just remember if you have had some hard water through your system keep an eye on the anode in the HWS regularly, don't rely on these things to be dome at service's, it may be too late.

4. If you have a solar panel on top and it's not covered when you park up then you can turn the battery switch off, if you need to use the 240 v charger then battery switch on to keep charged it is quite okay to leave plugged in to 240, just turn everything off 12v and 240v and of course gas taps off..........the modern chargers nowadays can be left to keep things okay.

Even though you have a warranty and servicing by dealers/Jayco it is wise to check your own tyres, wheel nuts, anode and other nuts and bolts, especially your wheel nuts when you pick up your van after a service, I mean before you drive away with it, the wheel may fall off before you get home.

Always turn the gas off........Don't forget to empty and clean the fridge not forgetting to leave the doors ajar............someone thought she did it while, she though he did........weeks later they found nobody did and ended up having to buy a new,lol, have a great time.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I cannot add much to whats been said,
apart from...........

make sure you empty ALL perishables out of the Van - you DON'T want to find a rouge Potato or Onion in 3 weeks time.......
make sure the fridge is OFF, and leave the door has been stated
if you have the room, put the legs down to help take some of the weight off the Tyres, it wont take alot, but it is better than square tyres

with ours, as soon as it gets home (in backyard under back patio)
fridge emptied
all food out
all washing done & sheets and such back in and beds made
legs down,
240 plugged in

dont go near it unless a mod or a holiday approaching
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