Hi bmhdg76
If you see the pic above of the inside back wall what I basically did was drill a hole (with a step drill bit)at the height of the top bunk mattress so it would be hidden away.. The back wall is solid with insulation, I read other models ran cables from inside wall cavity but the 14.44-4 is filled with insulation... From there the cable runs to the top bunk storage where I drilled another hole , then through to the wardrobe.. From there just followed down the holes jayco already had to the floor.. Once through the floor followed other cables & through the chassis rail & out the rubber grommet.. Filled all the holes with sikaflex & cable tied ..
Bit hard to explain but that's how I did it, best to start from the back & work forward. Everything came in the kit except the bracket on the drawbar I had to make from a computer rack mount ear.. Here's a few more photos.. Hope it helps.