So we've sold the 1986 Viscount Ultralite and bought a....


Active Member
Feb 25, 2016
Bendigo, Vic 16.49-3 Outback

Hi all,
I have been lurking around this forum for a number of weeks now and realised that I couldn't really keep getting ideas from this fantastic forum without introducing myself/us - we are a family of four: me, the finance committee (aka wife), daughter 10 and son 8.

I've read a number of times that "without photos it didn't happen" so below are a couple of photos of our 1986 viscount ultralite pop-top at Port Campbell last weekend, which we have had for a few years and used not nearly enough.
IMG_2445.JPG IMG_2460.JPG
It's the old girls 2nd or 3rd to last trip (the van, not the wife!!!) until we take delivery of our new 16.49-3 Outback which arrives in late May, with the first trip planned for the June long weekend. Our vehicle is a 2014 Prado, with towing capacity one of the main reasons for the smaller van.

We're pretty excited, and the old girl (the wife this time!) Is already making fun of me for all the ideas/plans I am getting from this website when it's still at least 10 weeks away from delivery.

In terms of extras we are getting::
- extended towbar
- external shower
- external/fold out table
- antenna
- 19" telly (which i don't really want, but they are throwing it in anyway and won't swap for anything else)
- drifter control panel
- fusion stereo
- heavier duty privacy screens (prestige jayco in geelong claimed they were better than the standard Jayco ones)

The other little extra we are getting is an internal divider for the kids bed - imagine a 3/4 length removeable divider (canvas) running across the bed (not lengthways) in line with the split in the mattress. This will give the two kids their own little rooms for sleeping, and the one at the far side can just duck around the end of the other ones bed to access the van. The dealer hadn't heard of this before and wants to give it a go with their people (I'd been quoted $3-400 elsewhere) so they can offer it as an option to others if it works out OK.

So my questions to you all are:
- is it worth going the 16" wheels?
- our prado currently has a 7 pin round plug and an Anderson plug - should we convert it to the 12 pin flat or pay jayco the $100 they want to change the van to match?
- I have purchased a P3 brake controller and was planning to mount like this: - any comments?
- how do you store your weber baby q - I believe it won't fit in the boot?
- what other extras should we have factory fitted? (I see on other posts things like the extra led light over the sink, 2nd gas bayonet fitting etc – are they worth it?)

I hope I havent rambled on too much, but look forward to any input and putting in my 2c wherever I can be helpful too!
Cheers, Dave


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
the new van will be great when it arrives . the wheel size ? I think you may get a better selection tyre wise but we had 15" on our 16-49-1 and it was great .
we just made an adaptor for the plug , 7 flat and Anderson to 12 pin , which was easy enough .
weber we store it on the draw bar
any way enjoy the site and im sure there will be plenty of others with input on your questions


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well , Welcome to the mob, you seem to have caught the infection really well I see.

16" wheels are good but if they want to charge you extra, then No not all that great, if you need a little bit of extra height then it is a way to get it. tyres for 15" with decent load ratings are around . Getting wheels to match a vehicle though is a waste most times.

If they want to charge you $100 to change the van to a 7 pin round with Anderson plug (for the fridge)then go for a large round 7 pin or a flat 7 pin as that price is good, don't go the 12 pin they just end up a problem at times.....small round 7 pins are annoying.

Other than that you've covered the important bits I think, always pays till you have the hard copy to see what is really needed.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Get the 16"s can't stress this enough. @Drover mate your wrong sorry the load rating on 15"s for the vans rim is abysmal. The only tyre I could find that was good was a special 15" BFG and it was $$$$$$ and now gone, I think the current crop are 1100kg Max . Plus tyre load ratings go down as you lower pressure iirc so your even further out under certain conditions . A loaded 16:49-3 can be a heavy beast. Myself and other forum members have cracked rims and another member blew a perfectly good tyre on a filthy hot day.

Personally I question how Jayco can sell this van with 15"s? I know a member on here took them to task over it but has never reported back on his results.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well I chucked the alloy rims and fitted 15" RoH steel higher LR than the Jayco jobs and didn't have any trouble finding 1200kg LT tyres for it but then if you need off road tyres so you have that extra grip in the dirt then Yes, you will find it hard to find suitable tyres for a single axle. Though the range for 16's is greater though how many tyres do people buy for their rigs anyway.

What the weight of the 16's ????


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Our 16:49 had an ATM of 2140 or something. And that was legally loaded (375kg) you know an average load is about 500kg ?

Iirc the best LT I could get was 1050kg or maybe a 1150kg but there isn't enough headroom for my liking. With the 16" tyres you can get ratings up to 15-1600kg iirc. For the $4/500 it's cheap insurance and due to ratios the van hardly sits any higher.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Well I chucked the alloy rims and fitted 15" RoH steel higher LR than the Jayco jobs and didn't have any trouble finding 1200kg LT tyres for it but then if you need off road tyres so you have that extra grip in the dirt then Yes, you will find it hard to find suitable tyres for a single axle. Though the range for 16's is greater though how many tyres do people buy for their rigs anyway.

What the weight of the 16's ????

Even the 15" mine spec sunnies I bought were only rated to 1200 or 1250 I think. All though I could never see one breaking bit jeez they were heavy.

The other thing to consider with steel rims on dual axles is the side load. I had a dual axle car trailer with old Holden steelies and it use to pull rims of the studs all the dam time!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
With you on that really @achjimmy , reread my post and I must have had the thought in my mind dual axle where 15's aren't really that much of a problem but yes with a single axle 16's would be better all round. My RoH's added 3kg to the van compared to the 6"15's originally.
Want big tyres 265 16's on Big Mal, they seem huge.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
My 16.49-3 has an ATM of 2199 kg, my tyres are load rated to 1100 kg, take out the 230kg measured ball weight leaves 1969kg on the axle. In a perfect world each wheel takes equal load, giving 984.5kg on each tyre. Given mine is on independent suspension, the load on each tyre is unlikely to be equal, so there is no fat in the capacity of the tyre. When I need new tyres I will be changing to 16". As @achjimmy has stated, the additional cost at purchase is cheap insurance.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Congrats on the purchase.

We love our 16.49.3.

I'll leave the advice on tyres to those who know far more about than me but we have the stock standard wheels and tyres and they've done some very long trips....22,000 kms so far in less than 18 months.....and some very rough roads when we digressed along the Eyre highway and other places.

So far, no problems though we had little knowledge of tyre load ratings etc so, now are aware, we keep a close eye on wheels and tyres. We carry a torque wrench and a compressor and use them when necessary.

Re weber.....we investigated the usual toolbox ideas but were worried about the weight so, when we had the spare shifted to rear bar, we had a basket made up for the free space between the gas bottles. A plastic box is now fitted on some angle iron across the draw bar and that houses the Weber easily, along with chocks hoses etc.

Firewood and other stuff sits in the basket and it all works well for us.....the box is protected by the stoneguard. It won't last forever but it's light and easy to strap down.

Anyway, that works for us.

Weights, as above, are close to ours but I'd have to double check ....van has just been tucked away so will look soon and confirm.

I'd suggest the purchase of tow ball scales which are easy to use and allows you to check ball weight, particularly when packing the van in the early stages after purchase. Also gives you peace of mind.'s very easy to help others spend their money!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Well said Mr @Dobbie, sir, we truly can spend your money quick as a flash here on Expandas and life was much easier before you got on here found all the horrors of Load Ratings and other rules , regulations and BS that the boofacrats have made for us, I can imagine.
Way back in 1973 when I started towing vans life was so much simpler, hook on and go. If the G60 struggled it was too heavy.

Next question @Jemmo, and don't forget the pics, you've a hell of a wait ahead of you.

oh and we welcome another Victorian to the fold it seems, Mr Google showed me where that wonderful name is located, near some swamp by the sounds of,lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I recall when we first decided to do some long distance travel in the mid 1990s with some very good friends.

We spent months and consumed countless bottles of wine.....just in the planning stages. We were really worried about the perils of tyre problems, as well as other perceived problems of remote travel, so set ourselves up with new Pajeros and had Aussie Swags with matching wheels. Between us we had 6 spare tyres which could be used on either vehicle or camper.

After nearly 12 months and 30,000 kms ....15,000 on dirt, stones and sand, including all around the gulf, merennie loop, gibb, cape leveque, tanami etc....we arrived home with our original 6 spares untouched. Maybe we were lucky but we really monitored our tyres religiously and that habit has stayed with us.

We make up for lack of knowledge with overzealous checking!

And I'm now one of the unofficial spokespersons / rant persons on weights and overloading?

I don't know much but I'm bloody persistent!

Seriously, I don't profess to be an expert in any aspect of vehicle or van ...just someone who tries to pass on some experiences so others can maybe benefit.....and we have someone else maintain both vehicle and van as they know what they're doing.

We actually bought far too much when we whiled away the interminable months of the great build wait....some of which we needed and use frequently but some we didn't and we spent far too much time and money and are now culling anything superfluous.

Probably off topic ......again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Congrats and welcome to the forum @Jemmo ...
Plenty of replies above to already help but keep reading through the forum for other ideas or answers... Looking forward to seeing and reading your adventures when the "Young Girl" arrives ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2012
Hills District, NSW
HI @Jemmo ,
Congratulations and welcome to the forum. On my 14.44-4ob, I had the 16 inch wheel upgrade, purely for the larger and wider tyres which has a greater load rating. It wouldn't hurt to have a 12 pin flat socket fitted to your car as these seem to be the standard now and you can plug in either a 7 pin trailer plug or 12 pin trailer plug. On my Journey I run my fridge through the 12 pin plug and have not had any issues, however some people have melted there's as the contacts weaken over time creating a resistance and heat. Running your fridge from an Anderson plug would be better in the long term as they are more durable and can handle more current.
I like where you are looking at mounting the brake controller. As long as it's easy for you to get to in an emergency is the most important thing.
When buying new I think it's best to get as many things as you like fitted by the factory as its included in your tare weight and doesn't eat into your payload.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2016
Bendigo, Vic
Thanks one and all for both the welcome and the advice.
from your comments I am sold on the 16" wheels, and I am strongly leaning toward having jayco change the plug on the van to a 7 pin large round with an Anderson plug for the fridge.
I am fortunate to have free access to a weigh bridge at work whenever I need it, so will be interested to check the various weights when it arrives.

From reading several other threads I think a trip to peddlers or similar is warranted for some Kevlar sleeved airbags, and I have made an offer on some wdh's on Gumtree tonight (hayman reese v-5's, max ball weight 250 kgs which is the same as the prado).
I think as long as I keep the spend under a few hundred at a time I should be able to trick up our new pony without too much grief from the missus - as long as she doesn't start reading the forum!!
Off to the denny big 4 this weekend with friends so will be spending some time walking around inspecting other people's rigs for more ideas for upgrades.

and yes @Drover , we are Victorian - about an hour NW of Melbourne on a small beef farm in the Macedon ranges. Usually reasonably damp but not this year - out feeding hay tonight to get the girls through to the other side of the long weekend.