Running heron 2.2 air con non stop

Robert Hewson

New Member
Aug 21, 2013
South coast, NSW
Hi all,

I have a 2011 17.56-1 with air con above the sink.

Just wondering if it's ok to run the air con non stop with the compressor running non stop as well ?

Been staying in above 30 degree conditions during the day and have had it running non stop, obviously at night it cools down and cuts in and out accordingly with what ever setting I have the thermostat on.

Are they designed to do this or should you turn the thermostat down a bit to give the compressor a break ?

Cheers Rob


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Hi Rob,

Had the Heron 2.2 in our previous van and ran it continuously on heat mode overnight a few times with no probs exept one. More info at bottom of post if anyone comes across the same issue....

Can't help with running it full time on cooling mode as we spend as much time outdoors as we can when we're away.

First time we used it continuously overnight we woke in the morning to it not working and thought UH OH!!!!!! Did a bit of googling and found it to be a common fault. Now before trying the following check/fix...... Make sure that you UNPLUG it from the power point! Unscrew the four screws on the front cover and remove cover. Locate a white plug that has wires going to the controls. Make sure it is plugged in correctly as there is/was an issue with the plug catch not holding the two plugs together and they would vibrate loose.

Unplugged ours and reconnected it and away it went to warm us up another night!


Robert Hewson

New Member
Aug 21, 2013
South coast, NSW
Thanks David, that hasn't happened yet, but a good tip to know.

We mainly have it running during the day as we have little kids that have a sleep, so it runs for a fair while.

Cheers Rob


Sep 5, 2013
Cordeaux Heights, NSW
Our previous 16.49.1 had a Heron 2.2 which we ran continuously on cool in summer when we went up north. No problems but was a bit noisy at night. Make sure that the filters are cleaned regularly - these block up real quick. Cheers. John


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
Brookfield, Vic
Our previous 16.49.1 had a Heron 2.2 which we ran continuously on cool in summer when we went up north. No problems but was a bit noisy at night. Make sure that the filters are cleaned regularly - these block up real quick. Cheers. John

Ours runs fine overnight


New Member
Aug 20, 2013
Heathmont Vic
Hi Rob, The compressor should be able to cope with the conditions you have described if the refrigerant charge is ok. If there is an issue with the refrigerant charge then the compressor should "cut out " on an internal safety switch within the compressor windings called a thermistor. This is a sign the compressor is overheating, when it has naturally cooled down again the thermistor will "make" so completing the electrical circuit and the compressor will start again. If this ever happens it needs to be checked by a licensed A/C place. An easy way to check all is ok you just need to check the supply air temp, should be 10-14 deg C versus the return air temp, should be 23-27 deg C. Remember though these temps are guides only as the higher the ambient temp the higher the supply and return air temps.
Also when taking the temps with a thermometer don't stick it all the way in the vent where the air is supplied from as you can break the fan.
Just make sure the return air filter is clean and you should be right to go.
