hi this may appear a really stupid question but here goes . if you have roof airconditioning on a pop top panda and its a really rough day wind wise can you operate it with the roof down or is this a no no.
Not sure what a stupid question looks like around here. Yours doesn't look like one either.....
I can't think of anything technically that would stop you from using the air conditioner while the roof is down. But I am also trying to think when it is ever going to be so windy that you need to bring down the roof. Surely that would be cyclone style weather. I have been camping in some fairly rough weather and have always put the awning away but as yet have not seen weather that bad that I feel I needed to take the roof down.
Yeah not heard of bringing it down in winds either. I have heard of people popping the roof down in really cold conditions to aid with heating though. I couldnt see why the roof A/C would not work.
thanks for that i guess im being over cautious. just heard some people saying they do that in strong winds and thought maybe its the norm as unsure what the pop up roof would withstand ,also with added weight of air con and solar panels thought it might already be a little heavier than normal
Maybe not so cautious bigbertha.The mechanic near me at work just got back from a 15,000km trip in his windsor. When staying for a 1 nighter in South Aus, not sure where but they slept the night with top down as others were ripped off obviously from extreme high winds....needless to say they couldn't wait to leave the next day. He said "the van shook all night!"