Hey Chartrock I'm not sure, I'll have to have a look next time I'm over in York but I think THe Dogs Bollocks emporium is no more, believe it or not the York Shire went after the owner in a big way because of his "Offensive sign" what the outcome was I dont know , He also owns the Saints Diner next door which is a Triumph Motorcycle themed Cafe (My ride of Choice) which has a nice little sign in the Mens Dunny that says "Used Beer here".
I remember them too, it was a buck up for me after the miles and miles of CORUGATIONS, one i remember had salsa before the word dip and another was avocado, wish i had taken some shots too!!Hey CR,
Great thread, I remember driving the Oodnadatta Track last year that there where a number of "DIP" signs. Probably one every 10kms or so, where ever there was a drain running over the road.
Nearly every sign had been altered and I wish I had taken photos of them all.
Some examples from memory
DIP & cheese
If anyone else remembers any others from the Ood Track, would be great to hear them to jog the memory