So I remove a side light, well an upper rear clearance light actually to run a cam cable, while cleaning up the silastic, approx half a tube squeezed in the hole I think, the bloody light drops and unplugs itself !!!!!!
yep, the damn cable is still inside and I can't grab the ends...................:eek-53:...couldn't pull the rest down either, tried all sorts of wires, hooks and things, no luck, some blockage in the shute....looked at removing the cupboard inside to get access to run a new cable,
after a look at things yuck give that a miss, one last ditch effort with a bit of No 8 fencing wire to force the issue....
...not only got it down but managed to pull a new cable thru and :distracted:now all is working nicely again and the bloody new cam can sit on top of the tyre carrier like @chartrock , thought it would be easier to just stick it above the rear bed hatch than do some welding and painting.........................WRONG.........tomorrow the plan will come together.......... paid up......check.:biggrin-26::biggrin-26: