Rear Clearance light, bugga.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
So I remove a side light, well an upper rear clearance light actually to run a cam cable, while cleaning up the silastic, approx half a tube squeezed in the hole I think, the bloody light drops and unplugs itself !!!!!!:( yep, the damn cable is still inside and I can't grab the ends...................:eek-53:...couldn't pull the rest down either, tried all sorts of wires, hooks and things, no luck, some blockage in the shute....looked at removing the cupboard inside to get access to run a new cable, :blue: after a look at things yuck give that a miss, one last ditch effort with a bit of No 8 fencing wire to force the issue....:cheer2:...not only got it down but managed to pull a new cable thru and :distracted:now all is working nicely again and the bloody new cam can sit on top of the tyre carrier like @chartrock , thought it would be easier to just stick it above the rear bed hatch than do some welding and painting.........................WRONG.........tomorrow the plan will come paid up......check.:biggrin-26::biggrin-26:


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
Don't touch those clearance lights! They normally break or the wire won't budge because it is siliconed in firm.


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
I thought I'd change the surrounds on mine because they had yellowed a bit and replacement chrome surround were $5 ea. back ones weren't to bad on mine but the front were terrible to do. Never again.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Since the prang, mine has got black on one side and the rest are white, they couldn't get white ones for a week or so, I wasn't waiting any longer black or silver will do I told them, I thought I would see which looked better then respray the others to match, black looked good so I went to pop a white one off, both tags just fell off with a hard stare so a dollop of silastic pushed stuck the light in and form one side I have white lights the other black and I don't care........................ I should have known better this time though.........gonna be fun when I put the alloy panel down the side, might just budget for new light frames as they will surely self destruct when I pull them off.
So where did you get the new surrounds from @macca ????


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
Since the prang, mine has got black on one side and the rest are white, they couldn't get white ones for a week or so, I wasn't waiting any longer black or silver will do I told them, I thought I would see which looked better then respray the others to match, black looked good so I went to pop a white one off, both tags just fell off with a hard stare so a dollop of silastic pushed stuck the light in and form one side I have white lights the other black and I don't care........................ I should have known better this time though.........gonna be fun when I put the alloy panel down the side, might just budget for new light frames as they will surely self destruct when I pull them off.
So where did you get the new surrounds from @macca ????
RV express online store. I think you can get white, black or chrome. I went chrome because I thought they might be more uv resistant. I have a couple new white surrounds at home. When I am back after this trip I will send you a photo.

Cheers Geoff


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Will have a lookie, easier to buy new than spray paint, so much buggering around to get the right coverage, and at that price it's cheaper than the paint etc.