Outback is the winner. $2000 will seem cheap when you are pulling your van out of a steep driveway, or backing your van onto a steep caravan site. I've owned 3 outbacks, and still wonder why they offer the touring version. Resale is vastly different between the outback and touring versions. Our last 2 expanda outbacks only took about 10 days each to sell and we got fantastic money for them. Our first one we actually made money on it. Our second one we only lost $2000 in 12 months. The wait for building a van is sheer hell. At least Jayco are usually pretty good with their delivery ETA. We went ahead and planned a holiday only 5 days after our date of delivery. We received our van bang on the delivery date. There was a bit of stress leading up to hand over to say the least. A simple word of wisdom for when you take delivery, check that the van sides have not had any burn marks buffed into the gel coat. We picked ours up in the rain and only noticed upon getting home that a manufacturing fault had been heavily buffed and burned the gell coat front to back about head height along the left side of the van. Even with this imperfection, we still got great money upon selling.
Happy days are ahead for you.
Enjoy what others wish for.