We have them in our Starcraft 19.61 Outback and at first I wasn't real sure about them. Found them really fiddly to get apart to be able to open the windows. Then I had the issue of getting the window to actually "catch" in the open position. Also I was concerned with it being windy and how the plastic screen would stay in place in the side tracks.
So we have now had it 7 months and unfortunately due to a few things beyond our control, we have only been away in it 4 times for a couple of weekends at a time. But my findings so far are:
Windows, I am getting used to but we did have the van's first service and I think that they actually checked that they are unclipping and clipping up correctly on all windows as I find them much easier to deal with in that regard. (Also we think they looked at them as they left most of the windows unlocked except for 1 clip in place to hold the huge windows, and luckily they didn't blow open driving along!!)
The plastic screens, I actually like the idea of them as you can slide the screen down partly, with some mesh showing to give more privacy but with air flow as well.
We have not been anywhere where it has been windy as yet so I can't comment if the screen will come out of the side tracks.
Security, I am still unsure if I like the really big windows in the bedroom section as they are huge and if the window is open you can open it further to climb in, pushing the plastic screen into the van and they are in!! The windows don't actually lock (unless there is a way to and I don't know it) into place and you can open them in an open position and then just open them even further with nothing to stop you doing it. (Hope that makes sense lol). I do try and make sure if we leave the van that I shut these windows but I do like to be able to leave them open if I could.
Cleaning them has not been an issue yet as we haven't used it enough for the screens to get dirty so not sure how easily they are to clean.
So yes I like them but in ways I don't also.