Hi everyone. Like most it seems , I have been a 'silent' member for a few months, and am now the proud owner of a second hand 2006 12 ft expanda.....our first foray into 'hard walled campers' after 6 years in a soft floor camper trailer. LOVE it!! My partner is sick of hearing 'have I told you recently how much I love the Expanda!!' Lol. I chastise my friends who suggest we have bought a caravan (I sleep under canvas how can it be a caravan?), but I know they are secretly jealous of our few minute setup and pack up! Have been to King Lake for the June long weekend free camping, a weekend stopover in Canberra after a week in Newcastle, and parked in our friends' front yard a few times for weekends away. I've attached a few pictures of the new toy. Happy travels all and if you see the Expanda out camping, come say hi!!