New Expanda 14.44-4 OB (well almost)


Active Member
Dec 31, 2011
Rowville, VIC
Hello All,

New to the forum, however been following for a while.

Currently we have a Dove OB but have grown out of this and given ourselves a late Xmas present in the form of a new Expanda 14.44-4 Outback. For me this would have to be the best compact van for a family of 4 I have seen. Our tow vehile is a 2010 Challenger Manual thats been set up for touring.

Now we just have the long 3 month wait for wait for delivery which will be around Easter.

We picked up an awesome deal from Bayswater Jayco, which is where we bought our Dove 2 years ago and have been supper impressed with their service.

The only options we choose where the control panel, automatic water pump and some privacy screens plus the obligatory Awning and Air Con.


Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Welcome to the club Daz!

I have to agree, it is a fantastic model and amazingly compact compared to some rigs out there (100% biased opinion though).

We have had ours for about 6 months now and have spent about 45 nights in it. We had our old Hawk for about 18 months and spent about 40 nights in it over that period. So we definatley feel we are getting our moneys worth upgrading to the Expanda. The whole setup is so much more convienient which makes us want to go away more often:car:

Hopefully the forum will keep you going through the tough waiting period.


Active Member
Dec 31, 2011
Rowville, VIC
Thanks Moto...the will hurt. ALLOT!

I was suprized with how much usable storage space there was in this model too. I just got to fight the urge to fill it all up just for the sake of it though.

Have to agree with your comments on the Camper. We have done a couple of touring trips with my parents who have a Starcraft and the pack up set up diffents almost make you cry. Bring on April!!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
Maudsland Gold Coast Hinterland Qld
Hi Darren. We also have a 14.44-4 and are camped on the shores of Moogerah Dam as I write this. I agree with Moto it is one of the best compact layouts for a family of four. Hope the wait goes quickly for you.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day Darren and welcome to the forum. While we have a .3 insted of .4, I agree the 14' is great for space.

By the time yours arrives you will have a list of mods waiting to be fitted. Enjoy the wait with forum members. :rofl:

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
Great news Dazzabout the Dove.

Just a quick question how do you find the Challenger? So you can keep this thread for your Expanda when it arrives.

PM me if you like :thumb:


Active Member
Dec 31, 2011
Rowville, VIC
G'day Cruzer...
The Challenger is all round quite a good vehicle that is very good value for money. Previously we had a 120 Prado with the D4D TD and there is no comparison. The Toyota is streets ahead. When I first pulled the Dove in the Chalkenger I thought what have I done, but soon got used to it. Still it's no Toyota. I've pulled my mates 16.49.2 outback with the Challenger and really noticed the weight. I hoping the 14.44 being a little lighter will make like a little easier. No doubt when the lease is up I'll be head straight back to my local Yota dealer.....

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
G'day Cruzer...
The Challenger is all round quite a good vehicle that is very good value for money. Previously we had a 120 Prado with the D4D TD and there is no comparison. The Toyota is streets ahead. When I first pulled the Dove in the Chalkenger I thought what have I done, but soon got used to it. Still it's no Toyota. I've pulled my mates 16.49.2 outback with the Challenger and really noticed the weight. I hoping the 14.44 being a little lighter will make like a little easier. No doubt when the lease is up I'll be head straight back to my local Yota dealer.....

Thanks Daz, sorry just one more question did you go the auto or manual?


Oct 27, 2011
Just don't back into mine on the way in the drive daz.

Btw I've got a spare checker plate box going cheap if you have the room for it...hah

He has the manual cruza.

Daz and I live next door and I have my van in the driveway atm, it will look like a Jayco dealership this evening when his arrives!


Active Member
Dec 31, 2011
Rowville, VIC
You should know I have impeccable reversing skills Benny...

Ioaded up the van over the weekend with the camping gear and went for a bit of drive. The Challenger actually went a bit better than I expected, it's no Prado but still better than I expected.

Sorry Moto no photos yet the weather turned ugly this afternoon but I will endevour to get s


Oct 27, 2011
Rain has stopped and I believe that D4 spent the entire weekend tinkering around the van...there must be some pics up soon???