New 200 series Landcruiser


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2014
I heard it was a 300 series land cruiser. Coming up to the specs with the interier of the prado and others. The current 200 is a bit dated inside compared to the Prado. We will see.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Was announced a while ago guys. It's not a 300 but a facelifted 200. New centre console etc there is some new features the yanks have had like radar criuse etc but biggest difference is they have got DPFs which not everybody is frilled with. Time ll tell I guess.


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
A DPF is a filter in the exhaust system which catches carbon particles before they get blown out the back. To keep the filter clear the car needs to be driven at around 80 km/h for a short period which will inject a bit more fuel into the system to burn the carbon off the filter. However, if the car is not driven at the required 80 km/h (in other words it is a town car and rarely gets over 60 km/h) then the carbon will build up and the electronics senses this and put the car into "limp" mode whereby it will only run at about 15-20 km/h and then requires a dealer to work their magic at great cost to clear the filter. They are more of a PITA than useful but you can be pinched if you disable it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
Pretty sure Jeeps had some problems with DPF.. Although not sure it was to do with the computers in them.
Do a search although my Brother inlaw never had a problem with his and it's a drive to the station car a lot of the time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2014
Wantirna, VIC
We have some Kia diesel Sorrento's at our work with this problem.
After a few small trips around town, the engine management light comes on and as stated above you can only limp home...straight back to the dealer again!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Yeah I am sorting betting toyota might get this right. I know it's snobby but they do tend to do better than other manufacturers?

The other thing is if you can own a twin turbo V8 Landcruiser and only manage to putter around in it your better than me and most of the owners! You probably will be the dude that gets the 9.9lphkm.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
Wouldn't worry about fdp thingy. Nobody every uses a landcruiser for a town car. Wouldn't worry about extra fuel filters either. Fuel these days is fairly clean to start with and on our trip most people with fuel problems were due to filling from old jerry cans or making sure they almost drained their tanks before filling.

Also contrary to popular belief toyota at Geraldton advised us that you pretty safe to drive for an extra thousand or so km with filter warning light on. We did and no hassles. Bloke that eventually replaced our filter at Dalwallinu WA said that extra fuel filters were another old wives tale from the days of dodgy fuel and dodgy motors.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2014
Seen an ad for "The New Look Land cruiser 200" on tv. Looks much the same different grill headlights.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Wouldn't worry about fdp thingy. Nobody every uses a landcruiser for a town car. Wouldn't worry about extra fuel filters either. Fuel these days is fairly clean to start with and on our trip most people with fuel problems were due to filling from old jerry cans or making sure they almost drained their tanks before filling.

Also contrary to popular belief toyota at Geraldton advised us that you pretty safe to drive for an extra thousand or so km with filter warning light on. We did and no hassles. Bloke that eventually replaced our filter at Dalwallinu WA said that extra fuel filters were another old wives tale from the days of dodgy fuel and dodgy motors.

Yeah I am not sure peter. I ran for 20k without one until I went the central west. Dubbo Toyota fit aftermarket filters themselves. They get 2-3 cars a week from crook fuel. There's a few horror stories around, I think the OEM filter does a fair job but if you cop a big bad dose I think it's minimal Defence . I guess for $380 and no side effects it's cheap insurance ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
the Izuzu truck at work has that DPF system as well

pain in the rear door

but, all it does when your idling, is blow smoke as its "burning" that filter clean

dunno how it works, but its good fun


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Was announced a while ago guys. It's not a 300 but a facelifted 200. New centre console etc there is some new features the yanks have had like radar criuse etc but biggest difference is they have got DPFs which not everybody is frilled with. Time ll tell I guess.
My last Navara model, a 2009 2.5ltr had a DPF but only in the auto (I had the manual). I used the auto model when mine was in the shop. The DPF has an injector in it and when required injects fuel to burn off the contents. The auto version in direct comparison to the manaul was a world apart in terms of fuel economy which the DPF was widely blamed, along with a high reving auto. I was getting around 13-14 ltr/100 towing 1.6t van and i know 3 guys who had the auto model and getting smashed with 20+ltr/100 with similar sized vans.

The DPF is a EPA requirement, so Toyota dont have too many options there. But from experience it will come at a fuel economy cost, which they will mask in advertising (as Nissan did) by hiding it in average figures

You can buy a bypass to replace the DPF which has the sensors so it doesnt frig with EMS
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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
Will have to keep an eye out, haven't seen anything up here yet, the dealer is going to call this week with details. Can't wait!

Mate can't remeber if we'd spoken before. But PM I have put 3 onto my dealer so far. 1 interstate . She is awesome, fleet manager no $&@)1ing around she offers you say yes or no. Deal or no deal can't beat that.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2011
My last Navara model, a 2009 2.5ltr had a DPF but only in the auto (I had the manual). I used the auto model when mine was in the shop. The DPF has an injector in it and when required injects fuel to burn off the contents. The auto version in direct comparison to the manaul was a world apart in terms of fuel economy which the DPF was widely blamed, along with a high reving auto. I was getting around 13-14 ltr/100 towing 1.6t van and i know 3 guys who had the auto model and getting smashed with 20+ltr/100 with similar sized vans.

The DPF is a EPA requirement, so Toyota dont have too many options there. But from experience it will come at a fuel economy cost, which they will mask in adbertising (as Nissan did) by hiding it in average figures

You can buy a bypass to replace the DPF which has the sensors so it doesnt frig with EMS

Yep it's an epa requirement crusty but it doesn't stop some doing it better. Mits had a major problem with the Paj for a while.
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