Locking pushys on fiamma rack


Active Member
Apr 7, 2016
Few bikes getting knocked off around the traps.

I keep the bikes on the fiamma rack at night or when we arent around and run a kryptonite cable thru them and then to the rear bumper with a quality padlock (master).

This wont guarantee security - If we are about or in bed we should hear the fussing about, if we arent about (on a day trip or something) I expect it wont save them.

Interested in your thoughts or suggestions - we have some pretty good bikes and id like to keep them!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2016
Central Coast
We have just ran a standard bike cable through the frame of both bikes while on the rack. While they could take them both off together and walk away with it, it would be a pain to handle both of them while they are attached to each other.

The last time we were out I forgot the bike lock and thought if they try anything overnight I would hear it but during the day they were at risk, luckily they were still there when I returned to camp. We also run a 6 meter lightweight chain around the webber and to the drawbar. A pair of bolt cutters and its gone but its more of a deterant then anything else. I like to hope fellow campers look after each other, at least this will be my view until someone takes something.
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