Liscensing and stamp duty

anton Smith

Active Member
Jul 8, 2013
I'm sorry if there's a thread regarding this but I can't find this info anywhere.

We are looking at buying a Expanda in Victoria and then bringing it home to WA. The rep said they issue you with a 28 day liscence to get it back but he's not sure of the fees etc when registering the van back here.

Anyone know or had any experience?


Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Hi Anton.
I bought in Vic and registered in NSW.
Very simple. I was issued with the 28 day temp rego, drove it home, got a blue slip (rego check for unregistered vehicles), then went to the motor registry and payed my $ to get rego and new plates.

I assume it will be a slighlty different process in WA but my advice is to ring the department of transport and ask them. Hopefully it will be as easy as NSW!


Active Member
Apr 12, 2012
Perth WA
Hi Anton

Ok bear with me...

We bought a van from guy in Manjimup, who ordered thru Bayswater as he got a better deal than here, was is sad but you know how things work over here with pricing on stuff

So, he flew over picked than up but he registered in his name but the address was his uncle's in Geelong

Then you wait a year then transfer over to WA plates without taking van over pits

Now we bought off him before that year was up, good deal for us but we had same transfer issue

So, we also have family in Vic so van is registered in my name but address is our uncle in Vic...all paperwork still posts here in WA. We will then transfer to here after our 12 months is up

Short is, yes you can do the 28 lic but I think you need it to go over pits still, which again, we know how they operate here...

Better if you have family over there and can use address, if not you might be stuck with the 28 day thing

Down fall for us is when we travel people think we are Victorians !! ha ha ;-) just kidding


Active Member
Apr 12, 2012
Perth WA
oh and think you pay more fees to get plated here after the 28 day runs out, can't remember exact details...but think by the time you pay all that cuts into the good deal

And it only cost us $25 to transfer to our name, Vic it's a trailer

Should be similar when change plates after our 12 months is stamp duty etc

Sounds dodge but all legit


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Like relgate, we bought interstate (NSW), got the temporary rego and brought the van home to Qld. Our Dept Transport accepted the plated figures and the manufacturers gas certificate with no problems. The only thing they did as to run a tape measure over the van then issued the rego papers. Like Relgate, I contacted them beforehand and found out what was necessary and there were no extra fees from them. No transfer fees as it was considered a first registration.

Go for it, Anton and enjoy the van. :)

anton Smith

Active Member
Jul 8, 2013
A friend is just about home after buying his van in Victoria so maybe I'll let him do all the leg work.;) He said he hadn't even thought about it.

From other forums it seem you need to pay to have the van over the pits to ensure all of the electrical and gas installation is compliant. Fees payable for this and then fees for the new WA rego.

Just keeping the WA economy going I think.