I jumped the gun posted a blog before the intro.a little laps sorry.
we have a bt50 and just bought a month ago a 2005 outback expanda 16 3 shower toilet
added 10,000ks to it and love it, bit concerened it wouldnt do the job, but apart from the odd wielding
job at Tamworth and a few longer screws in doors its going well.we upgraded from a nissan urvan
wife was tried of lack of space.
any tips on campsites would be welcome we are in South Australia and bushwalk.
regards shiraz
I jumped the gun posted a blog before the intro.a little laps sorry.
we have a bt50 and just bought a month ago a 2005 outback expanda 16 3 shower toilet
added 10,000ks to it and love it, bit concerened it wouldnt do the job, but apart from the odd wielding
job at Tamworth and a few longer screws in doors its going well.we upgraded from a nissan urvan
wife was tried of lack of space.
any tips on campsites would be welcome we are in South Australia and bushwalk.
regards shiraz