Jayco Recall 2014


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
Moranbah, Queensland, Australia
if your number is in the second list they are supposed to mail you a sticker.

What should consumers do?
The owners of the 126 vans that require a sticker replaced will be sent new stickers in the mail or they can book in at the nearest Jayco Dealer or Service Agent to have the sticker replaced.

The remaining 6 vans that require a new Jack, the customers will be called directly and a new jack will be sent to the home address and the customer is requested to remove the old jack from the van and dispose of it.

For further information contact your local Jayco dealer.


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
Actually if you have a look at the recalls web site you will see every major retailer has some form of jacks on recall, Audi had one recalled, so they flew out the Audi engineer to front court with the junior ACCC knob and the judge said "I think an engineer with x amount of years experience would have a better idea about jacks safety than a junior clerk" case dismissed. My life used to be ruled with this stuff and the ACCC, probably why I am grey and cranky and occasionally drink too much red wine, but I am recovering slowly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Albion Park, NSW
We too are within the range but not listed, that said, on our big trip last year we did have a need to used the supplied jack and guess what, the tab welded onto the screw section that the crank goes into tore off whilst trying to raise the van, upon our return we got onto the local Jayco people and it was replaced no prob's but I have to question whether the jack is really suitable for the job it's intended for as it is very difficult to use, it just seems to require an inordinately large effort when you would think it would be easier than what it is.



Well-Known Member
May 12, 2013
West of Newcastle
We too are within the range but not listed, that said, on our big trip last year we did have a need to used the supplied jack and guess what, the tab welded onto the screw section that the crank goes into tore off whilst trying to raise the van, upon our return we got onto the local Jayco people and it was replaced no prob's but I have to question whether the jack is really suitable for the job it's intended for as it is very difficult to use, it just seems to require an inordinately large effort when you would think it would be easier than what it is.

I always carry a correct weighted trolley jack whether it be for a van flat, Landcruiser flat or one of those sticky caravan park jockey wheel situations!
It's quicker and easier to grab it out of the back of the Cruiser as well!!
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