Interesting read


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Certainly is, was reading a similar article recently which showed that in Europe most of the Australian vans couldn't be towed except by the Big Yank wagons, ours Vans are too heavy using their road regulations.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
I just want to say a big thank you to you guys. Since being a member, I have learnt more things about cars and towing than I ever thought I'd need to know. Some things I really didn't want to know .(Even though I still think ignorance is bliss....possibly not safe, but bliss none the less) I am more aware of where I'm packing things and how much I'm packing and research a lot more when it comes to accessories for the car.

I must say, I am scared about the Patrol being "overloaded" just with us, the accessories and the van on the back, (At least we got the suspension upgraded ) and the territory (petrol, rwd) I'm sure was overloaded.

Anyway.....again, a big thank you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
with a good dose of humour and sarcasm as well, I hope..............@Smirke

As for the Patrol, well there's always a COLORADO.............................


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
with a good dose of humour and sarcasm as well, I hope..............@Smirke

As for the Patrol, well there's always a COLORADO.............................

Of course!!! Thats why ignorance is still bliss for me. (plus, being a mum of 4 boys.....well 5 really, nothing is ever serious, except when i explode.

unfortunately won't fit 6 of us. thats why going another tank.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
We used to have 4, plus a Belgian Shephard squashed into the Cruiser back in the olden days, I won't mention the Landy, foam mattress chucked in the back with kids and dogs thrown on top and away we would go, heavens above !!!!! would cause all sorts of panic attacks now but then we drank from hoses, walked to school and our kids ran around in bare feet and did all sorts of things that would get us locked up now...................4 not so much kids now who are from mid 30's to mid 40's, healthy, great jobs and no social dramas with growing families...............packing the truck though nowadays is just so much easier, bit lonelier but heaps quieter camping.

Oooppss, lost the plot again, it's hard when you have a mob to find something that everyone and everything fits into without going to something that is huge.......................................we all keep clear when Mum's display signs of displeasure and Dads cop the brunt in the end, usually..........................


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2014
Palmyra, WA
you'd be reminded of your lot when they were younger if you saw my lot @Drover. They are always bare foot, drink from hoses, water bombs/guns, climb anything that could possibly be climbed, and fall out as well.

back to the topic...... was going the gvm upgrade with the new car, but given how much it cost, and how much we are spending on it to get it ready for our trip (5 months 11 days.....but who's counting?), decided just to go with the 2 inch lift with HD suspension or what ever it comes with. (girl terminology there......sorry), plus 8 keep the terrors tied in.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
what most certainly annoys me with a lot of the articles being written about "3500kg towing - really......?"

why do they pick on the Ranger and the Colorado

surely a better written article would be.........
"This is the choice of Car you have if you want to tow 3500Kg Safely and Legally"

I have already guessed that if the chassis is the same as previous models - that had a tow max of 2500kgs
then it wont be suitable to tow 3500kgs

tell us what CAN tow that much................

cannot be that hard now is it?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Ours has a sticker which says tow ball weight 350 and will tow 3500.

We believe it's less than that but that's the sticker detail.

We work on 300 ball weight and 3200 as per the Nissan guidelines.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
It is such a can of worms, it all boils down to no vehicle can tow the stated tow capacity as each KG you load into the tug you take off what you can tow...........................with the Colorado the GCM is 6000kg but if it's fully loaded 3100kg max, then the tow is only 2900kg ( thats adding the ball weight onto the tug ) least with the trucks it's just roll over bridge and check each axle load.....

Then I see the Hi Lux dragging a big van..................

Yep, @Smirke your description brought the memories back and a BIG smile too boot.........................I have G/sons doing the same so all is not lost.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
what engine do you have @Dobbie ??

must be either TD42 / TB42 / TB45 / TB48

Whoops..decided to sleep rather than read stuff here....what a woos.

As to engine idea without reading book but the model is Y61 I think.

Manual Diesel engine.

Near the rear door is a sticker which clearly states "towing limit is 3500k and max tow ball weight is 350k". I double checked it in the list "caravan industry / racq towing mass limits" and found the 3200k and 320k as well as the sliding scale for GVM effects on ball mass

Eg. Ball mass

Fully laden vehicle (GVM), ball mass - 100kgs
Reduce GVM by 115kgs, ball mass - 150kgs
Reduce GVM by 200kgs, ball mass - 200kgs........and so on

Page 184 of that publication if anyone wants to check it out....and note 27

My point is that this seems to be the guide used by the caravan industry and used to advise buyers on suitability of vehicle for towing. Articles such as the one Bigcol refers to are misleading, as he suggests, and a good example of "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and it is the responsibility of the industry and the public to be aware.

But it's very confusing and certainly not user friendly.

I know I get really critical of overloading and poor loading but I wonder how many have checked out this extensive list to quantify exactly how legal they are.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Your van salesman usually has bugger all knowledge of tow weights and just goes by the general rule of thumb, if van is 3ton all up then a vehicle with a 3.5t tow cap must be able to tow it and of course he would be wrong, no matter what some publication says the deciding factor is the plate or label on the actual vehicle.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
I agree with Drover but have to say that wasn't the situation in our case.

We talked with Brisbane Camperland and specifically asked about the legalities of towing with our then vehicle, a Navara.

We were concerned that we were a bit tight with weights but they were very helpful and, after many discussions, we all agreed that we were within the limits. They referred us to the RACQ guide for future checking.

When we collected the van, it was all checked again with the plated weights on the van and all was fine.

We did upgrade our tow vehicle as we decided to give ourselves a much greater margin as we were planning a long trip and again checked all the weights etc etc.....very boring, over the top maybe but we like to be sure.

We've bought vans before and have never had any checks made with reference to matching tow vehicle with the van and , I assume, that is the case for all second hand purchases and many new purchases.

With basic info given such as you see in car ads it's no wonder that so many vans and vehicles are so overloaded.

We're just glad we were anally retentive wrt weights. So much so that we're now doing it all again as we've filed all the original details in a safe place so can't find it!

I guess my main point is that there's a responsibility on both sellers and buyers to get it as right as possible and the more information available the better ....

So if you want to check your vehicle details, Google RACQ Towing Mass Limits and be careful to check the notes at the end of each listing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
If anyone is concerned about weights then the only way to really be sure is to use a weight bridge, compliance plates are not and are never really correct and also if your tug says it can do 3.5 ton or whatever BUT you have to upgrade the suspension more often than not as the stock suspension is not up to the task, it's a compromise and it won't really handle having 250kg on the ball and another 150kg of gear (or more )sitting in the back for a long period, whether or not you put on a WDH that is only doing half the job.......Upgrade springs, then see about WDH, bags and stuff come last but if you need them you need to do a few runs over the weighbridge.