HSV Chief Engineer now at Jayco as Head of R&D...


New Member
Dec 1, 2012
Dear All,

This news popped across my desk today and I thought I would share it with you. It appears that Joel Stoddart, HSV's Chief Engineer has resigned and taken up a post as Head of R&D at Jayco.

I think that this is a really interesting development and I will be watching for changes (perhaps) in the 2014 Jayco range as a result of this new person/position.

This I hope will be good for Jayco and regardless it is a coup having such caliber of staff on board.

Here is the web-link:




Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
My next Jayco.....

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
Ahhh ya killin me CG....;)

Looks you folk are going to get a bit of holden DNA in every van, doesn't that make you just feel great :)

Haha I Gotta come clean I have owned twice as many Holdens in my time as I have Fords just happen to be in a Ford ATM but with all the stress this one has given me I'm seriously considering going back to a Nissan with the next one. So with all the friendly banter about Holden v Ford made me think of Just what I have owned in the Past so you can decide which camp I should be in ! :noidea:

Holden: HT, HQ, LJ Torana x 2, Rodeo and a KB40 Isuzu (Chev Luv) does that count as a Holden
Ford: XB, XE, Ranger
VW: Kombi x 2
Nissan: Navara x 2 and the Missus's Xtrail
International: :doh: Scout yeah I know a bit obscure but with a 345cui V8 behind an Auto it was a great 4WD
Mazda: 626 (Missus)
Hyundai: Santa fe V6 (Missus)
Toyota: 84 petrol Hilux described it like this, The power of a pushbike, the fuel economy of a top fuel drag racer, the comfort of a concrete bench with the turning circle of the QEII and the top speed of an octogenarian on roller skates but it was unstoppable off road