Hi from Big Swag

Big Swag

New Member
Apr 8, 2014
Aberdeen NSW
G'day all...another one on the list.....Dick and Lee.....new van owners and got straight into it...down the south coast of NSW, into VIC, along the Great Ocean Road, heading to Adelaide and beyond...in a three week old van...Jayco Expanda Outback 14.4-5...the one with the "ladies room" at the back....and the name came about because we started the trip
in a swag.......


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Albion Park, NSW
Hi @Big Swag :welcome: to the forum, I saw you trundling down the F6 maybe 2 weeks ago heading south between Kembla Grange and Kanahooka, was slow to pass and checked you out thoroughly thinking you might already be a forum member, even thought you might have been member @Moto Moto . Anyway 'nough of that, great group here lots of good tips and everybody is very willing to advise you on how to spend lots of money on your van, you'll be broke in no time.:)


P.S. March 20th was when I saw you.
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Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
welcome BigSwag to the group. we have had a 16.49.3 for a few years now and have already decided that our next van is a 14.4.5, so will be keeping an eye out for your updates on any issues/improvements and how the van meets your needs and travels.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2014
Welcome... look forward to your trip report - will keep an eye out for you at Adelaide!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
Welcome from another 14.4-5 OB owner!
Have posted a few threads about moving the spare and converting the front space to a mesh tray and installing 2 JC holders between the front gas bottles.

Big Swag

New Member
Apr 8, 2014
Aberdeen NSW
Ha, @gwadir , yep,was me, heading to Nowra for an overnighter, and to get a gas fitting sorted at the Jayco shop..were we bought the van....and then south...
a bit more info....Me and the Boss decided 18 months ago that a little trip was in order,(a 26yrs late honeymoon/first real holiday) and being avid campers, decided to swag our way down the coast, along the G.O.R, then up to the Rock,and maybe Darwin......anyway, we made it to Eden...and the wife got that crook,( a known and long fought illness that was thought under control), so we made the decision to head home after talking to her doctor.....made Nowra on the first day...and although crook as a dog, She said she wanted to look at some more vans....we had been looking/thinking about a camper trailer or maybe a van......next minute we were putting a deposit down on Big $wag......:o....So in the space of 3 days, I drove from Eden,to Aberdeen(home), robbed our bank, back to Nowra, back home with the van.....we were home for a week of doctors and pills, and van packing/sorting....and took off again.....we're nearing Adelaide at the moment...and when I get a bit of spare time will stick some pics up......


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2013
Albion Park, NSW
Ha, @gwadir , yep,was me, heading to Nowra for an overnighter, and to get a gas fitting sorted at the Jayco shop..were we bought the van....and then south...
a bit more info....Me and the Boss decided 18 months ago that a little trip was in order,(a 26yrs late honeymoon/first real holiday) and being avid campers, decided to swag our way down the coast, along the G.O.R, then up to the Rock,and maybe Darwin......anyway, we made it to Eden...and the wife got that crook,( a known and long fought illness that was thought under control), so we made the decision to head home after talking to her doctor.....made Nowra on the first day...and although crook as a dog, She said she wanted to look at some more vans....we had been looking/thinking about a camper trailer or maybe a van......next minute we were putting a deposit down on Big $wag......:o....So in the space of 3 days, I drove from Eden,to Aberdeen(home), robbed our bank, back to Nowra, back home with the van.....we were home for a week of doctors and pills, and van packing/sorting....and took off again.....we're nearing Adelaide at the moment...and when I get a bit of spare time will stick some pics up......
Well done guys, have a safe and fabulous trip, I'm very envious of you, lots of photo's please.



Active Member
Apr 8, 2012
Hi @Big Swag . Are you still travelling the country? Have you had a chance to post any details of your travels? I'm planning a trip starting in mid October from Newcastle to Adelaide likely via the south coast and along the Great Ocean Road and would be interested in some of the places you stopped at along the way.
