Hi all have 2 questions before I head to carnavon gorge firstly would I use a lot more battery power running a 240v tv through a inverter compared too a 12v tv also has anyone put a curtain rail in shower thanks
There is a number of people with a shower curtain in their vans, I think there is a suction cup rail available maybe from Bunnings. @Moto Moto has fitted one in his 16.49-3.
As for the invertor running the 240v tv, I'd say yes more power required as you are also running the invertor. Do you have solar?
I put a shower curtain in our 16.49.3. Screwed the rail both ends to the walls. It worked well as it also strengthened up the wall which the door swung off. Used velcro to tie the curtain back. The rail was just a bit of a nuisance if you were a bloke and tall, but having a dry seat was worth it. I had seen vans with the rail secured to the pop top, but I decided against that.
Hi @marc frame
As @cruza driver said... Yes the inverter will use more battery power but as for how much I couldn't say.
We fitted a full sized shower curtain the the pop top roof to enable it to cover the toilet and door. Stops water running down the inside of the door and dripping on the van's floor.
For a shower curtain, I just got two suction cap hooks from Bunnings (about $4 each), some rope and a cheap curtain, does the job nicely. Just had to cut down the curtain a bit to fit. No drilling required.