going LARGE and need help form the WA experts...


Jul 31, 2016
Hi all

Hoping to tap the collective brains trust (again) as I am planning something fairly big (for us anyway).

Let me take you through our background, the high level goals, then the mid level plan before asking you all to critique it, improve it or poo poo it if it is unrealistic.

Background: we are a family of 5 so 3 kids aged 6-12. The kids can do good days driving but it then need to be broken up with activities or they go nuts (like all kids) so we can peel off 800kms in a day but need a day or 2 of rest after that. We are all very fit and active so love beaches, bushwalking (youngest did the 12km Rawnsley Bluff hike at the Flinders in July) etc.
I tow a 2.8t caravan behind a well equipped 100 series petrol Landcruiser but we prefer free camping and only hit caravan parks to recharge, restock and clean laundry…

Plan is leave Syd Boxing Day and take 3 days to get to Port Lincoln, meet up with wife and kids and explore area, cross Nullabor in 4 days and spend time in SW WA till we need to head home for school at end of Jan.

I have a mate who owns a factory in Perth where he can store the van securely before my dad drives it to Broome and back into storage till we arrive in July school hol’s for 3 weeks in Kimberly. We then put it back into storage for 3 months till we come back in October and drive down to Canarvon for Ningaloo etc for Spring School holidays.

I am not 100% sure what happens after that - i either drive it home myself or (hopefully) the family has so much fun, i send family home, drive it down to Perth, back into storage and pick it up again after Xmas next year and do SW WA again before bring it home.

This will be a huge bucket lister for me and the wife and the family is pumped. Plane fares have been purchased so this is all systems go.

So, questions for July and October legs will follow far later, but in terms of the coast from Esperance to Perth, what are the must see highlights, what to avoid and any secret spots and tips?

Also – anyone done this with a dog?

Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
Gday Lach

We use Wikicamps to locate free camp spots and there are lots of them in WA, but not too many on the west coast south of Perth.
With dog, rules out using the National Parks - shame as most have caravan spots which you can book online.
There are many interesting things to do crossing the Nullabor - again most are in Wikicamps. Download the maps so you can search it offline.

re - Esperance to Perth - Check out Gibsons Soak (big paddock about 30ks north of Esperance next to pub). There are several free camps between Esperance and Albany. Then Cosy Corner between Albany and Denmark (get there early as spaces are limited).

Enjoy your travels
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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2016
South Morang, Victoria
What a great trip/trips. Sounds very exciting. We did some of this but stayed in parks as we are not set up for free camps and most of the roadside toilets were disgusting. I love the Nullabor and tht length of time would easily dissaprear if you are taking your time.
I guess the only thing to think about off the top of my head will be the heat, make sure you are carrying plenty of water.
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Jul 31, 2016
Thanks Glen. we live and die by Wikicamps and will keep Gibsons Soak in mind.

1Daylll, cheers mate, we carry 160l water so all is good!