

Site Founder
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Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
Strap in a bit of a story.....

Ok, so for those of you who don't know the Pathfinder automatic transmission spat the dummy about 4 months back and has been sitting idle in the yard.

We replaced her with a shiny new mazda 3 so @cruza driver and @relgate said I was off the hook for buying a small car as it was a mazda :)!

So what happened is the gearbox died, when you go from a complete stop and try to accelerate it would feel like you are in fourth gear but it was actually in limp mode but once you got up a bit of speed 40+kmh of jamming the gas you where ok and it seemed to start to drive normal. But once you come to a complete dead stop at the lights you are back in trouble again and unable to get acceleration up which made for some fun at the lights and a few expletives.

So it was diagnosed as Mechatronics failure on the transmission which seems to be a quite common fault on these boxes.

Auto shops are quoting close to 3k + for the job, enquiring at Nissan the part can be had for $1400 - $2400 depending on who answers the phone but the part is no where in OZ but is in Japan so they are estimating a 2 -3 week delay but some places are saying expect a 6 week wait which is very close to XMAS.

Alternative is to get a second hand one which can be had for about $750 but not sure on the company as some people have complained about them and you get what you get if you no what i mean when dealing with second hand. But he can get it to me in a couple of days with a 2 month warranty and chuck it in myself. Seems a simple job just drop the tranny pan and remove a couple of bolts and put it back in.

The interesting thing and bit I am stuck on is the shop quoting the job reckons they can get the part new in 2 - 3 days and will provide a 12 month warranty on the job but Nissan reckons no dice and has to come from Japan?

Now first up the auto shop is pretty stand up so far, the guy I am onto gave me the first option of a repair job. This is not something most places do but he said he has about 60% strike rate and he will drop the oil and attempt the repair. If was able to repair it he would charge me if not he wont charge any $$$.

So he tried to repair it and stated its burnt out internally so he can't win on this one which was bad as he couldn't repair it for half the cost but great that he spent a day for nicks and I got fresh oil in the box so good service so far.

But I am wondering if he is going to do the shifty and chuck in a second hand one instead and give me a 12 month warranty for the benefit of $2.2k. Call me a monkey but I could buy three second hand ones and still be in front if that's the case.

Or i could risk it with Nissan and order one and hope it gets here before XMAS :(.

So I am little hesitant in going second hand myself and would snap up a new one if they where in the county and hesitant as to how the shop can get a new one so quick when no Nissan shop has them in Australia and then also concerned on delviery time so what would you do?

#FirstWorldNissanProblems lol!

Bit of a loaded question but @cruza driver was curios what's going on so there you have it!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2011
Wandin North, Vic
I would be taking the new part from the trans specialist with the 12 month warranty. You can be pretty much guaranteed it will be the same part that Nissan supply and you can almost guarantee that Nissan aren't the only automotive manufacturer in the world to use that part, there would have to be suppliers for other users and this is most likely where they would be sourcing it from.
Nissan are obviously adding on their "genuine" markup to it too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Viewbank, Victoria
bugger yes when the air comp went on the Disco I nearly brought the part from the UK myself. Was the reason we stopped going to genuine dealer. The place we go to now sources OS if need be as local parts places does there mark up.
Have you tried a few places around that do Pathfinders as well? If its a common problem you think someone would have one in Australia.
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Site Founder
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Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
Sell pathy and buy another mazda....?

As long as you pay the balance. :)

I would be taking the new part from the trans specialist with the 12 month warranty. You can be pretty much guaranteed it will be the same part that Nissan supply and you can almost guarantee that Nissan aren't the only automotive manufacturer in the world to use that part, there would have to be suppliers for other users and this is most likely where they would be sourcing it from.
Nissan are obviously adding on their "genuine" markup to it too.

Cheers i am leaning towards getting the transmission shop to do it.

It's his risk then to get the right part, install it and warrant it.

If I order it from Nissan it could take 3 weeks and be the wrong thing plus no warranty because I have installed it.

bugger yes when the air comp went on the Disco I nearly brought the part from the UK myself. Was the reason we stopped going to genuine dealer. The place we go to now sources OS if need be as local parts places does there mark up.
Have you tried a few places around that do Pathfinders as well? If its a common problem you think someone would have one in Australia.

Yep everyone knows about the problem but not much is known about the fix.

The only fix is to buy the whole unit direct from Nissan.

Because it's common as soon as stock comes in it goes so hence no local stock.

Even looking up the part number on Google gives no information from other sellers.

What about our regular Nissan man on here @stuartcarr2002 , can he put you in the right direction of who could source the part at a good price.


I sent him a pm as well but I can get the part quite cheap 1400 or so but it's going to take three weeks but could be 6 weeks given Xmas and if they order it wrong then I am stuffed.

If it was in oz I would snap it up and take the risk doing it myself.


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....
This is what she looks like.

Big metal piece is the valve body and black electronics is the mechatronics which consists of the tcm and some valves.

Nissan sells these two as a complete unit in one piece.


There is one other avenue in Melbourne a company makes custom valve bodies but does not include the mechatronics.

Unlike Nissan they are ok with seperating the valve body and mechatronics.

So they are looking into sourcing the mechatronics alone and fitting it to there custom built valve body for me.

If they will be able to achieve this and I don't know how they will get the mechatronics pieces as Nissan doesn't sell them then that's a good option as there valve body makes the transmission a bit better.

But they are getting back to Monday.


(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
Yep, one of the moving parts is not moving, there's yah problem. That'll be $140 thanks.
Bloody cars, they are good when they work and scary when they are out of warranty. Why cant it be like finding a trimatic and spending a little time fitting it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
As a Jeep fella with Mercedes bits in my vehicles which I work on myself, I would say go with your Auto Trans bloke, the parts he uses will more than likely be the same as the dealer just have a better price tag plus you have a tranny specialist not just a multi vehicle apprentice working on your rig. You will have the best option from him, the dealer usually costs more and will require return trips. The secret is no matter what the service interval is on your auto change it every 30,000kms, has worked for me when the "Service by dealer only" group has failures regularly after 100,000k. Mine don't.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
Try contacting this bloke.
I am on a Navara forum that highly recommend this fella.
He gets genuine Nissan stuff heaps cheaper than what the dealers seem to be charging.

before spending your coin - give Nizzbits a call, and give him the Part N*
see what he can sort - get hold of......

he is also highly recommended on web site as well

you would be amazed at what Nissan parts are interchangeable
(little orange Indicator in front side Guard for Patrol - $120 - same part from a Pulsar - $60)

might even pay to try they may be able to help as well...........
they wreck patrols, not sure if they do Pathies though, but again, maybe same same part in something...........
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cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
I agree with what @Matty4 posted,I would probably go with the auto anny guy if Nizzbits cant help you out.

Patrol apart may help but they only tend to have Patrol stuff and Patrols parked out the front of their factory but you may get lucky.
Go the MAZDA :)


Nov 2, 2012
Kuluin, Queensland
Im assuming you have a d40/r51?

Had you had an auto service before you started having issues? Alot of mechanics "service" these transmissions, alot don't know that one of the bolts that hold the filter to the bottom of the valve body also holds the main earth wire for the solenoids to the top of the valve body, when the bolt is removed the wire falls off, the only fix is to remove the valvebody and attatch the earth somewhere else which auto shops that know what theyre doing will do if they havnt serviced it before. Just thought was worth mentioning.


Site Founder
Staff member
Dec 22, 2009
Western, Sydney....

Thanks @Vaughan Reeve for recommending nizbits.

And @bigcol for the second recommendation.

Got the parts for about 500 - 1k cheaper than most dealers. Ordered it and had it delivered within a few days.

Fitted it myself on the weekend after a couple of weeks in the Phillipines and pathy is back on the rd finally.

In the middle of road testing but last few days has been good motoring.

Was a bit hesitant as new tcm looks different but checking part numbers etc it seems to be the right one but proabably a newer iimproved tcm design with the coolant issues in this model.

Pathy also feels a lot better accelerating etc it must have be on the way out for a while!

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Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW

Thanks @Vaughan Reeve for recommending nizbits.

And @bigcol for the second recommendation.

Got the parts for about 500 - 1k cheaper than most dealers. Ordered it and had it delivered within a few days.

Fitted it myself on the weekend after a couple of weeks in the Phillipines and pathy is back on the rd finally.

In the middle of road testing but last few days has been good motoring.

Was a bit hesitant as new tcm looks different but checking part numbers etc it seems to be the right one but proabably a newer iimproved tcm design with the coolant issues in this model.

Pathy also feels a lot better accelerating etc it must have be on the way out for a while!

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