Freeway north of Hexam Causing Van Bounce


Jan 19, 2015
Does anyone have problems with the new freeway north of Hexam near Karuah.

A mate tows an Avan Liam with his Pajero and for some reason it starts some sort of bounce in the Paj which is driving him mad, to the point he's thinking of selling the van.

He uses a WDH and has airbag suspension in the rear of the Paj and has changed tire pressures in both the Paj and the van, but no difference. He's also changed the amount of air in the airbags too.

Suggestions or ideas?



Well-Known Member
Have had this experienced towing the box trailer behind Mazda CX5 but I think in different parts of hwy 1 near new Bulladelah bypass and 2 near the Kempsey bypass and a new section up near New Italy. I put it down to the way they are now grooving the concrete road surface along the direction of travel rather than across the width of road like on other sections of bypasses [assume they do it for drainage of road surface ]. The trailer just wants to sway around as the tyres are following the grooves, also affects the car to a lesser degree even without trailer, but if you drop back the speed from the 110km back to 80 km the problem disappears. Multi million dollar road and they deliver this.