Flapping Awning! What should l get to stop it on my 17.56-2?

michelle menzel

Active Member
May 21, 2014
A bit windy over the weekend and for the first time the awning flapped that much l had to pack it up in the middle of the night (with no help from hubby who was snoring drunk!!). Do l need those flash anti flap bars or are there other products that require less space that work?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
I've just got those strap/clamp units that clamp on the awning side and tensions up over the rail with velcro straps, $20 from BCF or Supercheap, work well at keeping the side tension on the awning, no flapping.
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(aka maccayak)
Mar 20, 2012
I would buy a set of Aussie Traveller AFK's, get you local caravan shop to do the initial installation. Then they are easy to install and you will wonder why you never had them before. Just one tip, As it comes in four pieces, just mark the front ones and the rear ones with a marker. You could also get one curved roof rafter.
If you decide on an annexe one day, you will need them anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
After upgrading to a new 16.49 Expanda from my old faithful 20 years old Swan, we heading off for its maiden voyage. My awning wasn't extended anyway when the storm hit, and we watched with horror as an awning on the van opposite flap around like Aunty Flo's undies and was torn off the van like crepe paper. I since seen two more awnings go west because of excess flapping. My baptism of fire has made me very paranoid

The deflapper will help to limit the flapping at the edges in lighter winds, but they won't stop the awning centre from banging up and down. The anti flap kit is a better option, but when used with a couple of curved awning roof rafters they are a great combination. We had the anti flap for the annex that we hadn't used for since we bought the van. We opted to use the deflappers for the convenience.

On one particular trip I put on the anti flap kit and curved roof rafters just to make sure it worked should we ever need to set up the annex ....... when I got home I threw the deflappers in the bin, and the anti flap kit and roof rafters are the only thing I use. I can usually still get it on after a few cold ones.
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Forum Moderator
Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Wollondilly Shire NSW
Also peg and rope your awning both end. I have seen several awnings go west with the wind, and it usually happens in the middle of the night or when you're away from the van.
Nearly lost ours last year despite having the full AFK on and roped with dual ropes each end and 4 large pegs.
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2014
We got the AFK and the curved rafters with our 17.56.1 after our friends with a 16.49.1 had their awning blown off in a storm. We're really happy with the way it fits together and stops any movement and water pooling. Ours was supplied through Page Bros by TEBBS. This was my first ever set up. I can set up in a few minutes with a ladder.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Macedon Ranges, Vic
We used to use a set of these @michelle menzel
Found them to be good but I would recommend using curved roof bars in the middle to help keep the awning firm.

But our new annexe came complete with the anti-flap bars and a pair of curved roof bars and love them :encouragement:

We use the same Camec ones, but have found that sometimes when tightening them, it is possible to over tighten them and they snap. As a result, we make sure that we now cary an extra pair as they are small and light.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA

We use the same Camec ones, but have found that sometimes when tightening them, it is possible to over tighten them and they snap. As a result, we make sure that we now cary an extra pair as they are small and light.

We used to use two per end @ROnEM as it helped with having to over tighten them. Still carry them with us as someone recently showed me a trick to stop the awning flap/overhang (Along the long edge) from flapping in the breeze or folding back when the awning is open. @bigcol was it you?
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
We used to use two per end @ROnEM as it helped with having to over tighten them. Still carry them with us as someone recently showed me a trick to stop the awning flap/overhang (Along the long edge) from flapping in the breeze or folding back when the awning is open. @bigcol was it you?

yess sir
our friendly neighborly Aussie Wide Annex's man told me I could use them for that

nice man - have you met him yet @dagree ????? his name is Terry I think..........
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2015
We use Aussie Travellers. They are good. Stop flapping in moderate winds but anything heading towards gale force and we take the awning down. The awning will still move a bit but only enough to let you know its windy.