first warranty inspection


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
All, I think I have seen something in the forums about the regular things that would need attention on the first warranty inspection of my expands, just want to capture all the experience from you all to ensure everything is checked...


New Member
Apr 12, 2013
Hi all our expanda is less than 12 months old and the sewn loops that hold the curtains see to be coming apart would this be a warranty claim or will Jayco just replace these with the same cheap set up?
NCarey we had issues with our bed end stowage areas, the installer on the Jayco line installed them 25mm out of square which created a drop from the fat mattress to the others on the bed.
Bubbles in the bed lids which are about to be replaced.
The odd missing screw and poprivet.
The lifting of edging around cupboards.
Cupboard locks not closing properly.
These are some of the issues we have had not major and we are still loving the upgrade from our swan.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2013
200km south of Perth
Valve that regulates water pressure when hose attached to mains was set to low and water flow was minimal
Water was also leaking into van from bad connections
Fold up bed end seems to have fine cracks around locks
Locks on cupboards not working correctly


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
Gee what an interesting question....
I think I would prefer to say to try everything because warranty claims is a result of poor components or poor workmanship. So it's hard to work out what was done wrong.

But safety components would be one to actively check. Brake lines, visible issues with gas lines, anything electrical that does not look safe. So in short, on ya back and get under the van and see what you see.

if you want to see what others reportEd, then do a search on "warranty". You should come up with a few hits.

Tindale, Jayco will in most cases gladly replace anything with tHe same. And will continue to do so until you finally do your own mods. So if you think it is crap and don't want it replaced with crap then fix it yourself. :)


New Member
Apr 12, 2013
Yes Brad just what I was thinking but under warranty, you would think Jayco would do whats best for the customer but alas they will only replace the curtains with the same.
No problems as a collective will will make there product that we own, better than the original and thanks to the supporter base of this forum make the product better in some ways than it was designed to be, good on you all expanda owners we have been watching, learning and studying the forum for a while know and some of the modifications have taken on board and applied to our expanda. Happy travels. Dale:)
ps the front bed end was finally replaced with a new won and the guys at jayco adelaide did a great job.:)
And Brad how do the 3 goldfish travel in the expanda restrained I hope lol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
Getting ready for a trip takes long enough with 4 kids and making space for the schnauzers. Thank god the goldfish don't complain about not coming along and having a long term feeding block dropped into the tank as we walk out the door :)

i must say that between the first expanda I owned and the one I have there my thoughts are that the quality of what comes out of the factory is getting better. But it could still be sooooo much better again.