Ebay Inverter

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
Tech review here http://goughlui.com/?p=7705
I liked it better when Ebay didn't have private listings on the the feedback profile as you could search through older feedback and message someone who had had one for a while and ask if it had been a good purchase, Feedback on eBay tends to be left soon after receiving an item and based on the buying experience and not so much on whether its any good or not, I tend to try and play with it for a while before leaving feedback
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Active Member
Mar 25, 2011
Would be nice to know what the duty cycle is between 1000W and 2000W. Assume that heat generated at 2000W would trigger the thermal protection, but how long would that take, and how long does it take to recover. If you know that you are operating below 1000W all the time then this would not be a problem. It would be appropriate if they claim continous and max that they give the duty cycles for various wattages. If 2000W max is for 5 seconds only then may not suit your needs. However if 1500W for 5 minutes is available and suits then you are on a winner.

Note that the duty cycle will depend on ambient temp. (fan cooled so will need some ventalation) and how long the inverter has been running for (and at what wattage). At 45C it will not operate as long on 2000W then at 25C. Also it will not run as long on 2000W if it has been running on 1000W continously as opposed to being turned on to max (2000W).

On the temp. thing, did it provide the details of temp. range as this may effect the continous and max output wattages. I could not see any details.

For me if they do not provide the details then it would be best to buy bigger than required (number or capacity) and use that to compare prices. May not be as big a saving but may provide better reliability.
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New Member
Mar 14, 2012
Leopold, Victoria
I've got the exact same brand inverter, but in the 600/1200W model. I've had it for a couple of years now. It is a great unit, mainly used for T.V, charging of kids iPads, phones etc. The lower rating of the inverter is the continuous load rating, the higher rating is for 'start up current'. With the 1000/2000W model, I definitely would not be running high current items such as toasters, kettles or microwave off it. I've never had any issues with my unit overheating, as I've used it within the specs. To keep track of your power usage, try one of these meters from Jaycar. http://www.jaycar.com.au/productView.asp?ID=MS6115


Active Member
Jun 16, 2014
Hills district, Sydney
Hi I did some tests with my Nesspresso coffee machine & frother , found that you would need to get the 1500/3000w to be sure.. I think that's the only thing I would use it for ..
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