Early Warning Network


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2012
Hi All

Just thought I would share this great resource for those that may not already know about it.
It is called the Early Warning Network and can be found at

The Early Warning Network
The Early Warning Network (EWN) provides emergency alerts for severe thunderstorms, hail, bushfires, floods, tropical cyclones, tsunami, heavy rainfall, damaging winds and other threats. EWN monitors and tracks potentially dangerous weather systems and uses the network to alert people directly in the path of an event. More information can be found in the weather alerts FAQ and the support pages.

They also have a page called Significant Weather Threat Map:
And here is an email i got from them today:

This is produced each morning and highlights threats for the next 24 hours (even if those areas have no warnings). Threats highlighted include:
- heavy rain
- thunderstorms
- tropical cyclones and other strong low pressure systems likely to cause heavy rain, severe winds or dangerous surf
- areas of well above average heat
- areas of well below average cold
- severe, extreme and catastrophic fire dangers
- snow, frost and ice
- significant areas of raised dust

You can view this on our homepage or our facebook pages.

It is also delivered by email if you subscribe to our All Alerts product.

For custom forecasts and alerting services please visit our product pages. We can supply detailed outlooks for days 2 to 7 to suit your needs. These can be for a whole state, a region or a specific location such as mining operation.

EWN Support Team.