16' Series Dual GEL Batteries, Solar and Setec charging

Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
Just need some advice re best dual battery wiring. I do not use the Anderson Plug to charge while travelling as roof Solar panels should be.
The batteries are wired with + to + and - to -. One battery supplies power for all but the Inverter - and it is connected to the 2nd battery.
Should the Solar & Setec be connected to one or both batteries? By having + to + will both batteries be getting charged? I assume the batteries will charge by Solar and the Setec (when connected to 240v). But then I read on this forum about having the Solar / Setec being on a switch!!

Your expertise/advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Hi Glen

What you have described is having the batteries connected in parallel.

The solar is most likely connected direct to the batteries (either one) via a solar regulator. Both will charge at the same time.

The Setec is usually switched via the 'battery' switch in the van and trickle charges the batteries when connected to 240 volts. Turn this switch off and no charge will enter from the Setec (solar will be charging though). Again, because they are in parallel both both will charge.

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Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
Thanks for the advice Andrew.
Is it OK to leave the 'battery' switch on - as I don't know if there is a switch. Only see the 240/12v switch! That is why I put in my question.

Glen Bundesen

Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
Perth WA
Thanks mfexpanda. As you may have guessed, I purchased this van 2nd hand, so there was no detailed handover!

So the battery will be trickle charged by the Setec when the 240v switch is on, but charged by the Solar whenever the sun is shining on the panels?


New Member
Apr 11, 2014
Thanks mfexpanda. As you may have guessed, I purchased this van 2nd hand, so there was no detailed handover!

So the battery will be trickle charged by the Setec when the 240v switch is on, but charged by the Solar whenever the sun is shining on the panels?

Hi, I had the same query as to when the solar would charge the battery because the solar regulator switch was showing 0.00amps charging solar to battery when the van was in full sun. I was told that solar will only charge the battery when the battery needs charging. This is to avoid over charging the battery. Since I was connected to 240v, it was keeping the battery topped up and the solar did not have to work to charge the battery. I disconnected the 240v and switched the lights on during the day and the regulator starting reading amps charging sun to battery so it was then working! I only have 1 battery in the van.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
I leave my battery switch on all the time, the solar at home charges the batteries and we only plug into mains in a caravan park. I also charge from the car while driving and this wiring is done so that the second battery in the car will back charge from the solar when parked and connected.


New Member
Apr 11, 2014
I also charge from the car while driving and this wiring is done so that the second battery in the car will back charge from the solar when parked and connected.
I like this idea! I was trying to work out how to get the solar to charge the cars second battery without buying another solar panel. What wiring setup do you have to make this work? Would you have a wiring diagram as well?
I've been reading the threads on dual battery setups but there is so much info!