Doc's Patrol Y62


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Hobart, Australia
Thought I would start a thread about my Patrol Y62 Ti-L.

(Almost) Disturbingly plain, it has relatively few additions compared to previous 4wd's. All that has been added is listed below:

Nissan towbar
Hayman Reese compact brake controller (to be replaced by a compact IQ prior to delivery of the new van)
And that is quite literally it :)

Love the beast. Has proven itself to be a simply awesome touring vehicle, and towing ability is second to no other vehicle I have owned.

Importantly, it gets the seal of approval from the fur-kids. Plenty of space for them, and they are well separated from the slightly less hairy 13 year old two legged kid... My son is well taken care of with independent climate control, DVD player and quite possibly the most second-row space I have ever seen in a conventional vehicle, while the girls have aircon/heating ducts into their area - temp controlled by my son.

Well pleased with the choice in vehicle.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
without driving it like a hoon or a loon
and what size is your Van......?

whats your average fuel consumption when towing......?

curious as if I was ever to think about replacing my trusty old 4.2 diesel Patrol - I know it is one of 3 cars in the running.........


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2016
Hobart, Australia
Yeah, the big furry bed-warmers are excellent for keeping your feet nice and toasty on a cold winters night!

The recently sold van was 2.5T, 19'6" (internal body length). Fuel consumption on the highway was around 23 l/100km. While some may think this is high, I don't spare the ponies when towing and I'm a believer that fuel is one of the cheaper vehicle-related costs. That is on the Midlands Highway in Tassie, which is not known for being flat, and at a constant 100km/h with the cruise control on.

After many years of diesel vehicles, I was simply just finished with stinky fuel, short service intervals*, inherent risks with common rail fuel systems, and basically having to drive a diesel engine. They don't have the same 'personality' as a petrol engine, don't sound as good, and don't have the performance that I want.

*I'm a believer that 5,000km is the correct service interval for a diesel engine. Oil and oil filter changes are mandatory at that interval, fuel filter/s at double that (10k), injectors need to be done at 100k for optimum running, injector pumps (on mechanical injection) need to be done around the same time... If you pay someone else, it gets expensive. If you do it yourself (which I largely do) then it gets it the way of other things (like spending time with the family, travelling, fishing, name it).

There was always the option of buying a decent 100 series, but I wasn't interested in buying what is in effect an old car with an ageing body, none of the safety features of newer generation vehicles, none of the comforts of newer generation vehicles... I guess in the end, I wanted to be able to just do simple maintenance myself, and have modern comfort and safety, and when ts all said and done - just drive the damn thing :)

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
@Heath74 must be a handsome man then, an excellent sportsman, talented in many ways, intelligent, and friend to many :)

Yeah, I love the big poo. While it certainly would not be the choice for many people (hey, to each their own right?), it works for us.
HAHA I'll let @Heath74 comment on that

And exactly right what works for you is exactly right :clap2:
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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Beautiful Burrum Heads QLD
Funny story we were at the Nissan dealer when the bride bought a new Pulsar, I was drooling over the Y62 and the salesman asked if I was interested, I said if I can drive it away for 80K I'll take it, he laughed and said it was around 120K, a year on and they were runnig out for around 50K, I missed the boat there!!!