Thought i'd share a few pics of the expanda last time we went out in it. Only mods being ive added a stereo with speakers under the dinette and in the bottom of the overhead and move the battery to under the seat. We previosly had a
12.37-2OB which we loved but sold to buy a bigger van for a big trip, then sold the 4wd we had, then bought a more expnsive one so didn't have the cash for a van then we bought a house so had a camper trailer for a while and decided to get back into an expanda, this time with a shower and toilet.
12.37-2OB which we loved but sold to buy a bigger van for a big trip, then sold the 4wd we had, then bought a more expnsive one so didn't have the cash for a van then we bought a house so had a camper trailer for a while and decided to get back into an expanda, this time with a shower and toilet.