I read the courier mail this morning and was disgusted by the reports of all the boozy parties planned to ride out the cyclone. It was probably the inherent CM bias but what's wrong with placing a bit more emphasis on the emergency services and how people can help them and others?
GOF morning.....but we've got fine weather for the first time in two weeks so I'm rapidly getting less GOFty.
and have discovered one of the cafes in Evans Head sells liver and bacon for breakfast so guess what's on the breakfast menu tomorrow!
Not much sleep last night. Very windy. A lot of trees down around town and the cleanup has begun. Luckily we have had power the whole time, but the other side of town wasn't so lucky. We had no damage to our house or belongings, possibly because of our preparations.
Debbie is moving down here now, the rain has started and winds are predicted for the next week but certainly no where near as much as all you folks up north have copped. I feel for all the folks up there and if anyone needs a break, we have space to park a van and can hook up power and water. :thumb: We would be happy to help out. :yo:
I would do the same...but I'm not home yet and it looks like being a bit of a challenge.
We're now on to plan D to get home..
Plan A...leave for intended destination...flooded now...SES evacuated area
Plan B...stay at park nearby...SES evacuated that now
Plan C...wing it and hope for the best...not doing as its not fair on anyone else..warnings out re unnecessary travel
Plan D...stay put and wait till it's over.
We are supposed to be heading to Noosa on Friday for 10 nights with a wedding on Saturday morning, currently need a boat to get to the van as we've had about 100mm+ overnight with no end in sight.
Might be unfashionably late to the wedding, unless we swim!
Poor bride and groom though, their honeymoon was supposed to be at Airlie.