We covered 500km for the weekend and a here is a few things that I noticed about the Expanda compared to the Hawk
1.The ease and speed of set-up and back up compared to the Hawk which will make our longer trips good for the quick overnighters.
2. Having A/C it worked a treat and it kept the van cool at night and during the day (if we weren't swimming ;D)
3. Pulling over for lunch and being able to get in to the van to acess food etc was great
4. Having a shower and toilet
5. It is a bit heavier and bigger to tow than the Hawk but thats a small price to pay for the extras it has over the Hawk.
6. I do miss the Hawk as it was a great camper and we took it to some beautiful parts of Oz, but it was time for a change for us.
Thats all I can think of at the moment but so far its been really good.
Our lunch stop was at the Australian Light Horse Memorial Park just on the edge of Seymour
There is a 5km walking track around the park to stretch the legs
I had to a new tow bar hitch which is 75mm below std because the Expanda is a bit lower than the Hawk as the Expanda was a bit nose high