Converting bunk to cot 17.56-1 & outback vs road


New Member
Oct 20, 2011

With our growing family we are upgrading to a 17.56-1 Expanda and tossing up between the Outback and the standard model. I was just wondering is it worth going the outback?

I am also looking at converting the lower bunk into a cot for our 4 mth old and wanted to see if anyone had seen it done before?



Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
South Coast NSW
Outback or Standard?

The old saying "It's better to have and not want" than to "Want and not have"

I think if you have the choice of an outback or standard, I'd definitely go with the Outback.

The extra clearance, larger wheels, checker plate protection, bigger & stronger chassis are all impressive extras.

Basically, an Outback will go anywhere a standard will go, but a standard won't necessarily go everywhere an outback can go.

The extra ground clearance was the main feature that I wanted.

Like a lot of people, I don't really intend to go offloading to a huge degree, but I know I do have the extra features if I do decide to go down that track later on.

In saying that, over the past 14 years I have been caught out at regular parks needing a little more clearance when reversing up onto a slab.

My advice - GO THE OUTBACK IF YOU CAN. Good resale value too.
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New Member
Jun 28, 2013
Hi Emma. If you want to stick with onroad because of costs/weight constraints etc, then request underslung axles. It is a very cost effective way of getting the extra clearance. In regards to the cot, have you considered if there would be enough room to remove the table and slide in a portable cot? Not sure if the space is quite big enough though?? Good luck. We LOVE our 17.56.1. So much kitchen space and lots of room for our family :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2013
Townsville QLD
Mate we have the 17.56-2OB, and our kids are 10,5, and 1. Our little one has the bottom bunk, we bought a bed rail to stop her from falling out of bed, and it just slips under the mattress. quite suprised with how sturdy it is too! Anyhow, with another one on the way, the baby will be using the bottom bunk. A standard cot sheet actually fits perfectly over one seat cushion and the centre cushion, which is plenty of room :)


New Member
Nov 25, 2013

With our growing family we are upgrading to a 17.56-1 Expanda and tossing up between the Outback and the standard model. I was just wondering is it worth going the outback?

I am also looking at converting the lower bunk into a cot for our 4 mth old and wanted to see if anyone had seen it done before?


Hi Emma. We have just ordered the 17.56.1 standard model and will be getting the axles underslung. We were not able to take the extra weight of the OB. We too are wanting to convert the bottom bunk into a cot for our 1 year old... will be interested in seeing more responses on this one!


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2012
Gday Emma. We have the 16 foot model and have removed the table and put a portacot in its place. Works a treat and we rarely use the table other than a dumping ground. We always eat outside. If you can afford the outback, I would recommend it for resale, as well as the reasons that others have mentioned here. The gas bayonet, solar provision etc are all standard with outback models.
Good luck!

Sarah n Matt

New Member
Sep 24, 2013
Hi we have the 17.56-2 and our girls are 1, 3 & 5. We put a bed rail up on the big bed for the youngest & the other 2 love the bunks. One thing we did do is make some curtains to fit the bottom bunk as a block out from the main van helps with getting to sleep. I must admit for us the bathroom model was a must for us especially with young kids.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2013
We have an 18 month old and 2 older children. The older girls are in the bunks and my little one is in his portacot on the double bed. I take the matress out and have to use chocks to make it level. Now the tricky part is getting him in and out cause of the head clearance. So, we just take the potacot off the chocks and put him in the cot. If your bub goes to sleep in your arms this would not work as you wouldn't be able to lay bub down. My little man just placed in standing up. We have been away 4 times in 4 months and it has been manageable. Once he goes into a big bed, he will be on the bottom bunk.


New Member
Jul 3, 2013
We have a 2 y/o boy and 4 y/o girl. We tried a bed rail on the bottom bunk for the 2 y/o which was perfect for when he was asleep but not good for keeping him in bed when he was being put down to sleep. He likes to investigate 'how things work' so we would put him down at night and if we were sitting outside socialising (as you do :) ) he would get out of bed and be up on the benches trying to reach lights and the TV ant. handle before we knew it- it was dangerous and not relaxing at all - one of us would virtually have to stay and lie with him until he fell asleep and then put him in bed - then it would be the same all over again when he woke in the morning. Our solution : we found an old security screen that fit perfectly along the inside of the entrance to the double bed end. We now put him in the double bed, pop the security screen in place and occy strap it to the top bunk rail - it has enough tension on it to hold it in place. We have had to tie the window zippers closed as it's the greatest game in the world at bedtime too. The screen works an absolute treat and we can now enjoy our evenings knowing he is safe.It also sits perfectly in place when the bed is folded up. We call it "the cage" :) The bottom bunk has now been converted back to the table and chairs and the kids do their colouring and puzzles etc at their own table. Giddy up to happy camping!!


Active Member
Apr 28, 2012
Maffra VIC
Emma our older two boys sleep in the bunks and at the time 8 months I fitted a door gate which is working great still as he is now 2. You know he is safe if he awakes and your outside as he can't fall out.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
North Queensland
Hi Emma, not sure if you are on Facebook but there is a Jayco Expanda page and a lady just posted pics of a bed rail they made up for their little one for the bunk bed. Might be worth a look too :)


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
we just used a piece of trellis from Bunning's cut to sixe pained white and slipped in between the bottom cushions and the edge of the seat