Caravan Transport Melbourne Perth

David Spencer

Feb 6, 2015
Looking at the viability of purchasing a new 16.49-4 OB from a Vic store comparitive to buying in WA.

There are a couple of reasons: 1) WA dealer cannot forecast when they will have the van we want in stock and the Vic store has one on the floor now 2) The cost of purchase I think will be signifcantly cheaper however have to weigh up the costs involved

The Vic sales person has indicated I will have to be there in person for the handover. This is to prevent 'out of staters' buying from another state. Im not sure how insistant they will be come time of sale as I will have to factor in air cost as well (frequest flyers here I come).

I know a lot of people buy interstate with the view of having a holiday on the way back but atm this is not viable cause of work commitments.

Any advice on truck transport (costs or contact) or other peoples experience would be great.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Bit like buying a puppy, and having to promise to look after it. Who cares who picks it up. Once you buy it, I don't think they could dictate who collects it. Pretty sure I didn't get the puppy clause in my contract. But it would at least be advisable to have a trusty, mate or family member, close to where you buying it


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I think it is more to cover legalities more than not selling to "out of Staters"

they have to explain (and make sure you understand) the workings of everything involved
otherwise, you could stuff it big time, and say "I wasnt told I couldn't make a coffee in the Van while driving down the road"

Google the guy who Successfully sued Winnebago (however its spelt)
it wasnt explained to him that Cruise Control didnt mean he could leave the drivers seat while driving on the highway to have a nap.....
he won..............................................


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Unfotunately @bigcol in my handover the dude guessed some stuff and completely buggered up other stuff ... im still trying to work out some of the dribble i was given at handover.

It given me something to do i suppose ... and i like surprises
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Panda Shell

Oct 28, 2014
Kalamunda WA
I know you want the one in Vic as it is ready to go, but I know jayco has reduced the price of the vans in WA to be on par with Eastern states. I think it is pretty much the cost of the freight cheaper now for Perth buyers. The wait is a bit of a bugger but that would be for all dealers not just WA.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
I know you want the one in Vic as it is ready to go, but I know jayco has reduced the price of the vans in WA to be on par with Eastern states. I think it is pretty much the cost of the freight cheaper now for Perth buyers. The wait is a bit of a bugger but that would be for all dealers not just WA.

I dont know how this massive generousity is or has come about
apart from the fact that you can buy Windsor & Coramal here in WA alot cheaper than the Jayco's.........

and the lack on people buying "Toys" because of the Mining Slowdown........

but all good if it is true and saves people the $thousands freight cost added to the purchase price

David Spencer

Feb 6, 2015
There is one in stock ready to go in South Australia. Anyone traveling from SA to Perth who might be interested in some free Expand a accommodation on the way?