Better introduce myself


Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Hi all
I've been posting for a little while now and been a watcher on the forum for a LONG time. Thought I better introduce myself. We are currently using a camper trailer but on the brink of bying our first expanda. Just nutting out the options and looking for the best price. We have 3 Kids (2, 4 and 7) and we have our heart set on a 17.56.2
The forum has been a great source of ideas and has answered so many questions. You are all so friendly and helpful. I have NEVER read a negative comment. Thanks to everyone who contributes so willingly! I look forward to getting more experienced so that i can contribute more.

We are currently looking at this model:
17.56.2 OB


Roll out awning

roof mounted AC

Privacy screens

wind up antenna

CD/DVD with internal/external speakers

2 Foam mattresses (Is this possible?)

150L fridge

external picnic table

solar provision/wiring perhaps with panels (2 x 120Watt??)

battery pack, control panel, 2 100amp batteries

12v fridge fan

external gas bayonet at front

external shower

extended drawbar with gas bottles placed against van body.


Extra powerpoint and 12v under dining table

Extra powerpoint and 12v under bunk table

outdoor light above outdoor shower

curtain to top bunk

shelves in robe

keyed alike (if possible, anyone else got this?)

full oven

I was keen on the simplicity suspension but weight is an issue. We only have 2.25T towing capacity (Hilux SR dual cab 4x4 3L TD). We also have a 2010 Ford territory with 2.3T towing, but not 4x4. I've seen 17.56.2's with similar options coming in at around 1950 TARE so we are sailing close to the wind

I will be using the van as an office/site office when not on holidays hence the extra power points

At this stage I have spoken to a few dealers, most of them helpful, and once we reach the magic number i will be ready to sign. I'm keen to go with my local dealer, or one close by, but unfortunately price is a big factor.

I guess the big issues at the moment are:

Mattresses (does anyone know how to spell that? :) ). I posted a thread earlier on the innersrping comfort. We tried them a t a dealer and were not impressed by the join. Some on the forum seem to think a topper does the trick, others want to go back to foam. Not sure what we will do, but one of my big things last holidays was that I didnt have a good nights sleep in the camper (thin 100mm foam bed) and came back after 10 days with a bad back. Comfortable sleep is a big priority.

Fabric Colour. Like most, we liked the colours last year but cant find anything we like this year. I dont have the chart handy, but I thin k we will settle on the blue base and bolster, or the blue base and patterned bolster (make sense to anyone?) I'm interested in feedback from 2012 owners on this.

Thanks again everyone on a great forum.

Bank of Dad

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2011
Kilmore, VIC
Hi mate. Good choice of van - we love ours!


Be careful with your weight though. Our STANDARD tares at 1808kg with only the following extras:

150ltr fridge
1 100amp batt
ALKO Drop Jacks
Privacy Screens
Gas Bayonets front and back
Cabinet Aircon

With all that extra stuff you have you are probably up for at least 100kg on me!

Good choice though.

Extra powerpoint and 12v under dining table

Extra powerpoint and 12v under bunk table

Forgot to say we also did this for our digital native kids - good idea!

cruza driver

Staff member
Nov 9, 2010
Mighty Victoria
A belated :welcome: relgate, that sure is a very impressive list of options :thumb: it looks like you have ticked all the options except the wind up tv aerial.

As you mentioned the matresses weare thinking about ditching the innerspring and are going to find outabout a foam one. They are double the thickness of the camper ones and seem a bit denser also.

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
Hi Relgate re: the Keying alike

The Guy at Camec that I spoke to today said the kits they do replace Camec locks, an 8 barrel kit (Which I would need for my 16 ) was $80something heres the Brochure I got from him
Scan 16.jpgScan 17.jpg
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Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Welcome to the forum Nic,

Great to see you have found a van that suits your needs. As you said shop around. I see your in Sydney, make sure you try some of the other dealers just outside of Sydney like Canberra and Nowra. I saved thousands going a bit further a field.

As for matresses we have foam with an eggshell topper AND and a sheepskin. Comfy as!

Good luck with your purchase.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Hi Relgate re: the Keying alike

The Guy at Camec that I spoke to today said the kits they do replace Camec locks, an 8 barrel kit (Which I would need for my 16 ) was $80something heres the Brochure I got from him

Has anyone on the forum got their van keyed alike from the factory? I thought I read somewhere that they had. I didnt think it was a problem until the dealer pulled out the keys to unlock and show me the outside shower. There was about 20 keys for the thing!


New Member
Sep 26, 2011
Frankston, Victoria
Welcome to the Forum relgate.

We have a 17.56-2 with a very similar option list to you and the ATM comes in at just over 2.4t so you would be unable to tow it with your tug.
Not sure if you can still get a foam mattress but we have just put an eggs shell overlay on top of our innerspring and it has made a huge difference. The bed still folds up fine with the topper still on it.
The amount of keys are a pain in the but, and Jayco gave us the impression that it was not possible to get keyed alike from the factory. The carmec kits look like a good option but I don't think they will get rid of all the keys.

We got the Blue seats with the patterned back in our van and I am very happy with our choice, looks much better once fitted then it does in the swatches.


Staff member
Feb 2, 2012
Sydney, NSW
Thanks for the pic Dmaughan, The wife will be very interested as she is head of fabric decisions. Looks goo to me though. What is your TARE? My understanding is that TARE is the main legal issue, as ATM is the total wieght of the van plus an allownace of about 450kg that you can load into it. I am hoping to get the TARE at around 1.9T and then only load 300/350KG into the van. On top of that, we will update Tug in a couple of years and make sure it can do 3T anyway.
Thanks again for the pic


New Member
Sep 26, 2011
Frankston, Victoria
My understanding is that TARE is the main legal issue, as ATM is the total wieght of the van plus an allownace of about 450kg that you can load into it.
My understanding is that you need to be rated for the ATM not the tare and it does not matter how little you load into it. If the caravans ATM is stated for a particular amount that is what the tug needs to be rated to.

Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
We got the Blue seats with the patterned back in our van and I am very happy with our choice, looks much better once fitted then it does in the swatches.
View attachment 6925

We (when I say we I mean She) picked the same, and I am very glad that we (She) did they do look great and after looking again at the caravan & Camping show here in WA on the weekend the Brown one that I voted for was not as nice . At a guess I'd say 70% of the Vans on display that we looked at had blue seats with the patterned back. I like the table the same as the bench tops too, didn't even think of doing that when we ordered ours.


Hi everyone!
am newbie here i read this forum more than tow day's but today i finally decided to join it for getting more new

informative information from here and i would like say thanks to all of you for allow me as a member of this community

i hop i will enjoy here i really appreciated you on this operating keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2012
Brisbane - Carindale
Welcome Chris,
We love it also. You are a long way from OZ. :wave: Recommend you start a new thread, more people would see it, and I reckon they would love to say G'Day to you. They are like that around here, very friendly.



Seriously Likeable!
Aug 24, 2012
Kealba, Victoria
Welcome to the Forum relgate.

We have a 17.56-2 with a very similar option list to you and the ATM comes in at just over 2.4t so you would be unable to tow it with your tug.
Not sure if you can still get a foam mattress but we have just put an eggs shell overlay on top of our innerspring and it has made a huge difference. The bed still folds up fine with the topper still on it.
The amount of keys are a pain in the but, and Jayco gave us the impression that it was not possible to get keyed alike from the factory. The carmec kits look like a good option but I don't think they will get rid of all the keys.

We got the Blue seats with the patterned back in our van and I am very happy with our choice, looks much better once fitted then it does in the swatches.
View attachment 6925
Take care trying to get keyed alike. I paid $69.95 for 8 Camec barrels but then found I also need new lock housings as well. Too much effort at the moment, because I think there are three or four different types of housing to sort out on my van. SAnd would you believe the keyed alike barrels all come with their own key anyway PLUS a red key to remove the old barrel. Great idea if it was as straight forward as I thought.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
I think it may have been me that mentioned keyed alike by Jayco. I was told when I am ready to bring it in for the first service to let them know which key I wanted all the keys to be and they will organize the locks to be replaced with the same lock.
Haven't brought the van in for first service yet so still need to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2012
Rowville, Victoria
Hi Jas
No mention of cost. I think we are a couple of months away from that first service. Will post something when I get to that stage.