another You Tube find

meandher (a frost)

Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2013
The Vines, WA
Bah Humbug BigCol! Me and the big fella upstairs fell out when he refused to fix my little brother. From the age of 15 when I started asking questions that Sunday school teachers couldn't answer with retorts that remotely sounded believable to anyone with half a brain, I became a confirmed born again agnostic with strong atheistic tendencies.

I prefer this version of a Christmas song, but be warned, it contains "ten pound" swear box words. Turn the sound down if you are in the company of minors, or don't click on the link at all if you are of a prudish and humourless nature and prone to reposting offensive holier than thou comments in the season of spendtoomuchbecauseitsxmas because it is counter to unfeasible and risible beliefs.. You have been warned!

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