My fiancée and I have a 2010 eagle that we bought new two years ago. We love the eagle (dubbed Smeagol) but echo the frustrations of many when concerned with setup time, dirty awnings etc.
We are thinking of selling Smeagol next year and upgrading to an expanda.
I tow with a diesel territory, which has been a godsend of an upgrade compared to my old commodore.
That being said we have had some great trips in Smeagol (Adelaide, Carnarvon Gorge) and we are heading up to Arlie Beach next week for 8 nights to escape the Victorian winter.
I have really enjoyed reading all the posts on this site and find the knowledge some people have amazing.
Cheers and hope to see some of you at happy hour somewhere in our great country.
Ryan :fish2:
My fiancée and I have a 2010 eagle that we bought new two years ago. We love the eagle (dubbed Smeagol) but echo the frustrations of many when concerned with setup time, dirty awnings etc.
We are thinking of selling Smeagol next year and upgrading to an expanda.
I tow with a diesel territory, which has been a godsend of an upgrade compared to my old commodore.
That being said we have had some great trips in Smeagol (Adelaide, Carnarvon Gorge) and we are heading up to Arlie Beach next week for 8 nights to escape the Victorian winter.
I have really enjoyed reading all the posts on this site and find the knowledge some people have amazing.
Cheers and hope to see some of you at happy hour somewhere in our great country.
Ryan :fish2: