2009 Jayco 16.49-3 owner!


New Member
Jun 20, 2016
Coffs Harbiur
Hi all! Saturday, my wife and I purchased our "new to us" 2009 16.49-3 Jayco Outback Expanda! When I say new, I mean it! This is our first ever caravan! We are super excited to pick it up next Thursday and take it away Friday on its first voyage with us. We run competitive dog agility every other weekend and it will be fantastic to not be in a tent. When we are not trialling, we bush camp and try to stay as far away from caravan parks as possible...until the kids come around. I have already looked through the forum for ideas on mods, but for now we are just going to see how it works and go from there.

I look forward to seeing everyone's suggestions on mods/up grades/ideas/adventures and might even see you on the road!



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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new van also. Our first ever van was a 2007 16.49.3 and loved every minute spent away in it. Only upgraded as the grandkids started growing up and wanted to tag along!

Plenty of reading on here to keep you busy and to give you ideas for mods and spending money ;)
For us, most of our mods were decided while away in the van. Nothing better than sitting under the awning, or a nearby tree, thinking of what we "NEEDED" next.

Looking forward to pics of your trips and the mods!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
welcome @BBBFLASH nice looking rig that
(I could be biased though, I have a 16.49.1OB...................)

jump in on any thread that you feel you want to, we are not snobby or degrading to anyone,
as we all have a passion for our Vans and getting "out there"

never think of any question you may have as being silly - its only silly if you never ask.................

again, welcome
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014

I'm also a bit biased as we've just sold our 16.49.3 and loved it.

We were absolutely amazed at the amount of stuff that came out of it when we cleared it so strongly advise you to use it before you add too much. It seems you're going to do this, so remember to take a large notebook to record your inspirational thoughts!


Happy to pass on any info we have on 16.49.3's as we're van less at the moment and feeling the pain.
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New Member
Jun 20, 2016
Coffs Harbiur
Welcome aboard @BBBFLASH lots of info and good people on here.
We've got a 16-49-4 and love it. They tow really well.
What are you towing with?
And where is your first trip ?
Thursday pick up, load and we take it away Friday after work! Nothing like jumping in with both feet! Luckily we are only going 40 minutes up the road. If it is a complete disaster we can always come home at nights. We will be towing with our 2004 CRD Grand Cherokee. Should do well. Wife has towed angle horse floats with it before so should be fine. I'll be interesting to see how 12 year old shocks hold up. Might be a reason to upgrade and lift the Jeep! The Tow Pro gets installed on Monday and that should be all we need...for now. We are looking into insurance at the moment. We do plan on taking it off road. Nothing too extreme, but we do need to get so some of our camp sites. Does anyone have any recommendations before I dive into the forum? PS thanks for the welcomes!
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