20 series OB


New Member
Sep 13, 2014
Hello ,

We purchased our 2014 20 OB and took delivery last week before Xmas .This was close to the line as we had booked a weeks holiday for Xmas at South West Rocks Holiday Village. We have never owned a caravan before and as we live just west of Kempsey NSW this was a short half hour trip for the noobies.

Extreme wet weather for a couple of days tested our abilities but was also a great confirmation our spontaneous decision to get an Expanda was correct. Three grandkids on average in the van each night vying for a berth with their cousins, and wet weather did not detract from the fun.

We are in our 60's and I am still working 4 days a week in my business with a view to retirement in about 5 years.

This month we decided to give the van and ourselves a good workout so we tagged along with my wife's brother and wife who have done about 3 laps and run caravan parks on the Mid North Coast on a round trip over 3 weeks Kempsey NSW Port Hughes SA 4388 klms.

A great trip and we learned a lot about our van and our own ability as complete novices to join in the fun and adventures we have read about on expandasdownunder.

This is a great site and we have been keen observers since October last year.We have learned more from reading the forums than our dealer( who are very helpful ) and certainly Jayco manual and ridiculously short video gave us.

We look forward to seeing you on the track.

We are towing with a new 2014 White Ford Ranger Wildtrak as our old petrol Pajero would not safely tow a van of this size unless we took no food and only stopped at nudist sites as our clothes would have been too heavy! My wife Darien was not keen on this option so new u beaut ute it was.

I hope this post is not too long But thought I'd give you all our thanks for the posts you have given that really help nobodies and introduce ourselves.

Chris and Darien

SMJ x2

Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2015
:welcome: from another newbie.
We won't have our first van until September.

Don't forget pictures.....must have the pictures!

You are right about the info on this site ,we have learned so much from here.........all credit to those who post here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
@Chrisdar Welcome to the forum, and to caravanning in general ... if you haven't been caravanning what have you been doing. Your only regret will be why the hell you never did it years ago. A 20 series is certainly jumping straight in and good on you. People mostly start out from tents and step up bit by bit to the big end of town, the behemoth 20 series.

Unlike the rest of us you will be oblivious to the midnight dunny runs in the cold and wet, from the other end of the caravan pack; trudging back from the showers clutching all your wears in wet squelching thongs. Your certainly haven't missed too much there. Regardless what you hear, its not character building.

I have the 2014 20.63.1OB and you've made the right choice (even if Im a little bias ;))


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Welcome aboard @Chrisdar. Glad you are enjoying the forum, they are a great bunch of people here as you will find out if you join us in one of the 'meets' that members organise. But you can get plenty of advice on almost any subject, just hang on tight to your wallet as some ideas will have you spending dollars :o while others will save you lots. :D

Great introduction. :clap2:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2013
Welcome Chris and Darien. What a great post. Best thing about this site is the way everyone is happy to help. Look forward to hearing more of your trips. Safe travels.


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2012
Swan Valley Perth
welcome to @Chrisdar yes you certainly have jumped in with your spontaneous decision, but as you can see - it is VERY worth it

yes we LOVE pictures of your Van and Adventures
so dont be too shy about them
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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Perth. WA
Welcome to the forum @Chrisdar and it does sound like you took one mighty leap but once you get used to it you won't even look back!

As others have said enjoy the forum and looking forward to some pics and trip reports.