Grey Water tank regulations

Dean Anderson

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Isaac Region
Just came back from a couple weeks vanning...Holiday dramas are in other posts..........But this post made me be more consciences of grey water and I'm wondering why....... We camped at Texas for 3 nights....Having a dual cab I did the easy thing to do the right thing with my grey water...I bought 4x25 litres buckets with lids and when they were full I took them to the dump point in town and dumped them. I had to do the black water daily anyway so it wasn't a drama.

In three days I did not see one person take any grey water away. I saw little buckets that magically emptied at night.....Buckets with suspicious taps in the side.......&......Soggy spots from previous vans...........

The bucket thging was great but...........they fit inside each other don't weigh/cost much............and I can lift and dump them easy.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Yep @Dean Anderson , there lies the problem, little bits don't matter but when you have dozens passing by a week like at texas, little bits become a flood....................................and it only takes a couple to force a change for the many, same ole, same ole...................


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Newcastle NSW
And yet, we at at Victor harbour for the weekend, no silage points in the park, when I spoke to the manage was asked to run it onto the lawns to help with watering.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
And yet, we at at Victor harbour for the weekend, no silage points in the park, when I spoke to the manage was asked to run it onto the lawns to help with watering.

Must be differn't water @ crackacoldie.............I have even seen the grubs that just let it go anywhere in the parks as well, just requires a tiny bit of thought . Watering the tree's is all the norm away from the Bling Parks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
Emerald Qld
We have just come back from Ayres Rock, and some clown in a Britz van pulled up opposite U.S. and let his go on the ground before driving off. !!!!!! Moved to another site in the park. Grrrr


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
Just remembered to update this.

We carried our designated grey water tank, with special $2 spout, on the roof rack on our recent 8,000 km trip.

Didn't use it once, saw very few signs / suggestions that "self contained " included removal of grey water but did see lots of idiots who pulled up at free camps and hooked up their sullage pipes and just let the grey water go anywhere .
What's wrong with a bucket? To be emptied around a tree.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Also don't dump grey water in the black water dump point, these cost around $400 to get pumped out and filling with dish water can upset the person who gets the bill........................can't see what the problem is with running it to an out of the way spot, the chemical scare stories is BS, they have to force the containment issue because of unthinking morons who believe they have a right to camp and do whatever they please.....,...I'm allright Jack, stuff you.........most annoying.
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Dean Anderson

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Isaac Region
Converted my pole carrier into the greywater on the van the other week (not pretty but does the job). Only holds about 50lt but tis enough for an overnight stay, or a few days where we don't need a shower. I put the tap on the kerb side so I can pull up in the middle of nowhere and let it drain on the side of the road. Other positive is I can use the greywater to put the campfire out.

I think the main issue is near rivers where a deoxygenation of river water can kill fish. I suppose lots of detergent can do it, especially when those with long hair want to wash it every day.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
My issue is with other campers caravanners who use their sullage hoses without considering others and seem to think that they can drain the grey water anywhere.

Environmental issues aside.....and I agree with you on that....I hate free camping in someone else's puddle when a little thought would make it better for all concerned.

With your pole Carrier conversion where do you put it? On the draw bar or slung underneath? Normal clamps?
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Dean Anderson

Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2014
Isaac Region
Right behind the wheels under the chassis, originally I didn't want extra weight on the towball and it also helps keep as much drop as possible without losing clearance. Made some brackets to bolt it to the chassis. The pipework can be removed if I want to put the original pipes back on, but I find that I have better drainage using the grey water tank anyway. The hose tends to slow the water down. No smell from the tank yet so I don't have an S trap. If it gets smelly eventually I'll just hose it out. Was a pain modifying and finding fittings so they allow full fill and drainage.
driver side.jpg
passenger side.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Way to got @Dean Anderson , I just give my tank a hose out every 3 weeks or so to clear any gunge, everything drains better and you should also find at those places where the drain is uphill, it all flows really only need S bends when you have a water tank fitted which is passed off as a grey water tank, they collect so much gunge as you can't flush it out, so it turns into a grease trap.
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