Venting, ranting, whinging and all things political


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
The political venting is starting to clog the more light-hearted threads. I'm all for a good-natured (or otherwise) political debate, but I'm sure there are plenty of folk that arent so interested and unfortunately when it pops up all over the place its a little hard to avoid.

For those who want to maintain the ranting rage and venting faith, welcome and feel free to unleash at will.

The only rules to this tread is, there are no rules ..... other than just to keep it all contained in one place.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Ill go first

Experts in Victoria, bwaaaahaaaaaa that's a funny right there, but Im digressing before I've even got out of the blocks. These 'ecspurts' say there is Victorian Covid spike lingering about the place, just unseen by skewed testing figures and ready to spike a communal infection at any moment. Hope to christ ICAC keeps Berejiklian too busy to read that article until after Xmas


Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
Thanks for starting this thread @Crusty181, things were starting to get a bit of a worry elsewhere. I was very glad to see a member take the initiative on self regulating of the forum rather than the “fun police” have to step in.

This forum has been a leader in “good manners” and respect and this is just another indicator on the good vibes from members. We all have opinions, political, religious, ethnic etc and I personally have no problems with expression of them. I detest political correctness, but it is a fact of life and we must all be mindful of what we put in writing.

Post away, I am watching. :croc:


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Hi @Crusty181 , you Victorians have survived (or your state has) because of the efforts and sacrifices of the majority, notwithstanding the behaviour of some. Very impressive indeed. I wonder how successful Brisbane and Queensland would have been under the same circumstances....probably not as good.... fortunately not tested! The weak link in all these situations is the individual/s who fails to, or does not want to, comply for the good of everyone else.
As for your last comment, I am sure it was not done deliberately....but still a major mistake, the ramifications never foreseen! In an effort to recover the situation, it was necessary for the innocent and the rest of the state to carry the burden of restrictions and loss of freedom (and employment, not to mention unnecessary deaths) because of the incompetence of some. You cannot change what happened in the past, but you do have the capability of making sure it does not happen again next election. Don't look back, only look forward to better times. Cheers.
Power should come with responsibility, transparency, and consequences ..... particularly consequences. We are entitled to get that, but we are too eager to dismiss it and too weak/apathetic/simple and uninformed to expect and demand it. What sort of madness is it to hand unfettered control to, in many cases, less than average ordinary people with no measurable performance expectations or consequences.

We are controlled by clueless underachievers, each and every one of them with secret agendas, answerable to an unknown master, and with egos that outperform their abilities I wish I shared your optimism, along with the smoke and mirror delusion of democracy. Unfortunately, I know better. Maybe after I retire it won't impact me so directly, and I can blissfully shrug my shoulders, and walk the other way.

One very simple analogy to ponder. If you had your entire wealth and the future security of your family invested in your own business would you give every single senior company role to the least qualified or experienced underachievers, who in turn are all chosen by someone else equally unqualified or experienced and you have no say in that, but said appointments are largely influenced by personal favours where owed, or friends of friends. Then on top of that regardless of what they all did to your company or in your company kept their job, remained answerable only to someone other than you who in turn have no consequences, and are all rarely held to account, especially by you .... the best answer you could ever get for a catastrophic company loss is "not my problem" and "I dont remember", and they keep their job. Welcome to the government and democracy as it is dished up to us.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
Thanks for starting this thread @Crusty181, things were starting to get a bit of a worry elsewhere. I was very glad to see a member take the initiative on self regulating of the forum rather than the “fun police” have to step in.

This forum has been a leader in “good manners” and respect and this is just another indicator on the good vibes from members. We all have opinions, political, religious, ethnic etc and I personally have no problems with expression of them. I detest political correctness, but it is a fact of life and we must all be mindful of what we put in writing.

Post away, I am watching. :croc:
I dunno, we all secretly like it when the fun police step in and beat up on someone. @Drover will understand this, morale is generally never so high in a service environment as it is when someone is copping it (and it's not us) and there's blood is in the water.

Im waiting for the first combined political, religious, ethnic post .... you up for it ???

Boots in Action

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2017
Ferny Grove, Queensland
Power should come with responsibility, transparency, and consequences ..... particularly consequences. We are entitled to get that, but we are too eager to dismiss it and too weak/apathetic/simple and uninformed to expect and demand it. What sort of madness is it to hand unfettered control to, in many cases, less than average ordinary people with no measurable performance expectations or consequences.

We are controlled by clueless underachievers, each and every one of them with secret agendas, answerable to an unknown master, and with egos that outperform their abilities I wish I shared your optimism, along with the smoke and mirror delusion of democracy. Unfortunately, I know better. Maybe after I retire it won't impact me so directly, and I can blissfully shrug my shoulders, and walk the other way.

One very simple analogy to ponder. If you had your entire wealth and the future security of your family invested in your own business would you give every single senior company role to the least qualified or experienced underachievers, who in turn are all chosen by someone else equally unqualified or experienced and you have no say in that, but said appointments are largely influenced by personal favours where owed, or friends of friends. Then on top of that regardless of what they all did to your company or in your company kept their job, remained answerable only to someone other than you who in turn have no consequences, and are all rarely held to account, especially by you .... the best answer you could ever get for a catastrophic company loss is "not my problem" and "I dont remember", and they keep their job. Welcome to the government and democracy as it is dished up to us.

No disagreements with me @Crusty181. You have put it all on the line as you see it. And I agree too. But such is life, as we live in an imperfect world of good and bad. What was it that was said? "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". I acknowledge that you own and run a business and this has made it tougher for you to look after the security and future of your family, but hang in there. You have many more years to put in, hopefully healthy years.
For the record, I am a fully self funded retiree, get little from the Government, so I look after myself. My two Daughters are also independent. I have done my hard years (including 36 continuous years in the Army Reserve and with Regular troops) and now am trying to enjoy the few years I have left. Hence a very different outlook to you and yours. Sincerely.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
Mentone, VIC
No disagreements with me @Crusty181. You have put it all on the line as you see it. And I agree too. But such is life, as we live in an imperfect world of good and bad. What was it that was said? "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". I acknowledge that you own and run a business and this has made it tougher for you to look after the security and future of your family, but hang in there. You have many more years to put in, hopefully healthy years.
For the record, I am a fully self funded retiree, get little from the Government, so I look after myself. My two Daughters are also independent. I have done my hard years (including 36 continuous years in the Army Reserve and with Regular troops) and now am trying to enjoy the few years I have left. Hence a very different outlook to you and yours. Sincerely.
Ive been relatively unaffected by the entire rolling Covid stage show, I'm very lucky in that regard. Aside from not being able to go camping or fishing nothing has changed, but I appreciate the thought.

Billy Ocean and the Jewel of the Nile .... I can't compete with that kind of wisdom Boots

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