Securing Baby Q Weber


New Member
May 7, 2013
Does anyone have any idea how to secure Weber while camping. I would hate to have it go missing. I thought cable through drawbar when not in use but it means moving it every time. Better than losing it though. Thanks for any ideas :)


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2013
I run a chain through the gas bottle,stand and weber and padlock to the rear bumper or really secure fence posts or the like.


Seriously Likeable!
Aug 24, 2012
Kealba, Victoria
As above. I actually use two decent padlocks, one at Weber and one at rear bumper, easier to undo at BBQ end to put Q away in hatch. Keep trolley and 4kg bottle chained up though.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
Eastern Suburbs, Melbourne
These days everyone seems to have a Weber so why steal one???? We've never locked ours but I guess if we needed to, we'd put it in the back of the car! Touch wood it won't happen :(


New Member
May 7, 2013
Thanks everyone chain is probably a better option to cable, Xpandafan I like your idea of a padlock each end. We won't have a hatch or rear bumper, but plenty of chassis rail to choose from or draw bar to choose from.

We were actually planning on downsizing the gas bottle to 1kg to make it easier to move around and less to store, given how efficient they are to run.
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New Member
May 7, 2013
chain and padlocks. quick, easy, chap n light. Sure, bolt cutters or a grinder will deal with it, but if someone wants to walk around with those tools, i reckon there's a fair chance they will be spotted and challenged. Most people don't have those tools camping anyway, so you minimise the risk of the opportuist passing by..usually nto other campers, more likely to be the local no hoper walking through the campsite to the beach or wherever.

I agree its usually locals who sometimes scout areas, sometimes just too easy to refuse. Just hoping they might choose easier target, however I know they will find a way if they really want it.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2013
Manly NSW
Unfortunately thieves are out there, some CP's are hit harder than others. Yes, it is usually the locals, in the dark of night.
We lock everything with cable combination locks, BBQ, bikes, primus fridge etc. A friend of mine had 3 kids scooters stolen over night, and another friend had the esky stolen, not just the drinks, the whole esky gone.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
I run a chain through handle of weber and a spoke on one of the caravan wheels as this is where it sits when away. I made 2 chains, 1 for waeco and one for bikes.....I need to make another one now that I have weber, it's just a chain from Bunnings and I ran it through clear plastic tube 19mm I think also from Bunnings, make them as long as you like. I then bought a pack of 2 padlocks.....1 key fits both!


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
Melbourne - Eltham
Yep, I chased some opportunists off last Christmas up at Batemans Bay. The cheeky buggers had come right in under the awning of the soft floor, and opened up my old dometic 3 way. Lucky it has a squeeky door and woke me up. Nothing in there but some meat and veg. Obviously teenagers or the Carnival Folk from next door looking for grog.
Funny thing was my esky was sitting right next to the dometic, full of beers and cider.....not the sharpest tools in the shed.....

For the BBQ, Im not lucky enough to have fancy webber Q yet. I've just got the old round three leg job. No-one would be tempted to steal that!;)


Active Member
Aug 27, 2012
Years ago we stayed at a caravan park in Forster/Tuncurry. We had one night at this place. I have two girls, and cause it was a hot day, they both put there swim suits on and went for a swim in the pool at the park.

My wife later hung the swim suits up to dry overnight at the communal clothes line. The next morning cause we were packing up to travel again, she went to clothes line to find that our youngest daughter's swim suit had been pinched. I still to this day can't believe the actions that some people take. I shake my head in disbelief that someone would do such a low act.

I now try and NOT leave anything out, especially overnight. I lock my Waeco fridge using a push bike cable that's covered in plastic tubing to the wheel of the van. On most occasions when we are away for anything more than two days, I always put up my annex, and store everything in it at night. If someone is game enough to unzip the annex door and walk in, to take stuff then good luck to them.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2013
Manly NSW
Years ago we stayed at a caravan park in Forster/Tuncurry. We had one night at this place. I have two girls, and cause it was a hot day, they both put there swim suits on and went for a swim in the pool at the park.

My wife later hung the swim suits up to dry overnight at the communal clothes line. The next morning cause we were packing up to travel again, she went to clothes line to find that our youngest daughter's swim suit had been pinched. I still to this day can't believe the actions that some people take. I shake my head in disbelief that someone would do such a low act.

I now try and NOT leave anything out, especially overnight. I lock my Waeco fridge using a push bike cable that's covered in plastic tubing to the wheel of the van. On most occasions when we are away for anything more than two days, I always put up my annex, and store everything in it at night. If someone is game enough to unzip the annex door and walk in, to take stuff then good luck to them.

Like SilverFox we always put the annex up too, even for a short weekend away. Yes it's a lot of work for a short stay, but we too use it to store stuff safely, out of sight. We have too many surfboards and wetsuits that would be gone in the morning if left out in the open overnight.
The NSW mid north coast in general seems to be hit often with CP theft.


New Member
May 7, 2013
We also purchased the annexe mainly for this purpose. I like the idea of plastic tubing and putting it through the tyres in the annexe these suggestions keep getting better thanks everyone. My daughter also had bathers stolen from main line. It is more the inconvenience that they don't have any especially when teenagers. I purchased clothesline for annexe after that.


Active Member
Oct 13, 2012
As above - this helps keep the un-prepared thieves away. cable&searchType=any&searchSubType=products&filter=brandname--Master Lock

Its 15 feet / 4.5m long and rubber coated to protect the things you are securing.

You can use it with a lock at each end or the eyelets are large enough to pass the cable back through itself to only use one lock and thus getting at least 4.3m reach from the Expanda.

I put mine through the rear wheel, engle fridge handle, handles on two lockable boxes and then loop around the handle on the weber. It gives me enough slack to have the weber out to the rear, awning side either under or just clear of the awning. I just shift the weber back closer to the van to avoid the trip hazard during the day.

I guess I have now identified a problem… One cut and they hit the jackpot.