Discovery Lost Keys to Discovery


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Gippsland Lakes
I did post this enquiry to another forum so apologies if you replied there.
I have lost the keys to my 2012 Jayco discovery
We are in the middle of packing our house to move, the full 2 sets of keys were hanging on a hook in my shed and have either been packed or thrown out. Fortunately we are at home but all locks on the van are locked. Any ideas on how I van handle this. Im hoping maybe Jayco keep a record. We Have unpacked everything but no keys. Does Jayco keep records of keys. Anyone have an idea the best steps to get it open and keyed again,


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Bad time of year, if you haven't noted the number on the main door key I would say a locksmith to pick the lock or if you have premium road service RACQ/NRMA etc might be able to open it for you, they aren't a sophisticated lock so it could be possible to self pick if you have some know how on the subject ......... most hatch locks can be popped by just sticking a thin narrow screw driver in the keyway and giving a hard twist, the lock barrel will pop out, don't think it works on the door though ................. I do recall someone once saying if you jack up one corner with the stab legs it flex's the frame and the door may pull open, never tried myself but worth a try I suppose.....

Desperate the screw driver in the door lock might work as its basically the same lock as all the others, just might need to buy a whole new door lock assembly after.........................


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Gippsland Lakes
Thanks Drover, I rang the dealer service centre that I use and they don't know what to do and suggested going to a locksmith which I'm doing this morning. If the Locksmith cant do it it looks like all the affected handles will need to be removed (destroyed) and replaced. Fortunately for us the van is at home as we were think we might go away after the rush. Moral of the story folks never have your 2 sets of keys together.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Do you have Ultimate roadside cover ??? it may cover a call out............ I have had a look at the lock on my Camec door and its just the usual lock barrel and I know once when I couldn't unlock the boot hatch due to a stupid design which meant if something hit the handle inside it would lock so a key cannot open, I used a thin screwdriver pushed into keyway and gave it a firm twist of at least 90 deg and the barrel came out, rectified the problem by cutting off the internal handle, tiny bit of panel work on lock and its still working today.........
Due to similar panics over the years, one van key is on Jeeps key ring and one on a key tag neck thingy and a thin screwdriver is kept handy.....
I will have to dig out my pics and see if I can open mine....


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
Now you will find your old keys, took me ages to find my pics yesterday then I saw your post so walked out in the rain to van and unlocked it in under 30 seconds, nothing at all fancy about the tool I used either, actually scary as the door lock is really quite useless.............. think I might look at adding something half decent... waste of time locking the damn thing.


Active Member
May 31, 2012
Gippsland Lakes
Now you will find your old keys, took me ages to find my pics yesterday then I saw your post so walked out in the rain to van and unlocked it in under 30 seconds, nothing at all fancy about the tool I used either, actually scary as the door lock is really quite useless.............. think I might look at adding something half decent... waste of time locking the damn thing.
When I saw how they did it I intend to learn, a handy skill to have.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2013
When I saw how they did it I intend to learn, a handy skill to have.

Doesn't take very much at all and no need for a kit either, this morning I experimented with some bits just floating in my tool box, would love to do a how to but that would be a bit stupid.......................

Back in the 80's a locksmith mate and I would restore old safes from auctions, I would do the cutting and welding and he would do the locks, we taught each other as we went along, never did find the cache of notes or jewels, just the odd dead spider........... a bit like Lotto actually.
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