Howdy All!


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Perth WA
Hi I'm new to this forum.
I'm from WA and I'm looking into buying an Expanda very soon. We are a young family of 4 (Myself, Wife + 2 Young boys 4+6) and we only have about 25K to spend. I'm looking at 05-07 Expanda's in this price range and the 16.49-1 looks like it will do the trick for us. We are mainly planning trips on bitumen to CP's but will also be looking at the odd trip to free camping spots North and South of Perth where we will need to be self sufficient for a week or two and do some light 4X4 work. So I have a few questions
1) Do I need to be looking at an Outback model or is the road version OK to take of road now and then?
2) Can anyone tell me what is roughly the difference in price for new Outback model Vs Road model?
3) Is there anyone on this forum selling an 16.49.1 Expanda in WA within our price range?
4) Is there anyone on this forum in WA?
5) What faults should I be looking for, when looking at used Expanda's that are common to fail?


Moto Moto

Forum Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2011
The Gong
Welcome to the forum!

Unfortunatley i cant help with most of your questions but as for question 1, i really depends on your needs and what you can afford. Quite a few people go for a touring model then get a axle flip done for a bit of extra clearance for the odd time its needed. Though Outback models generally will be setup already for free camping with tanks and gas bottles and batteries as people buy the outback model usually with fee camping in mind.

Happy hunting:smile:
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Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
Hi Fam Man
We were also originally looking at buying a 2nd hand Expanda but got caught up in the fever of the 4wd & Camping show last year and ended up ordering a new one, we opted for an Outback as we are planning to take it down a gravel road or two but nothing seriously rough the attraction of the heavier drawbar and better ground clearance made it worth the extra price. We didn't really consider the on road model but I think it was about 3 Grand difference (not Sure) . We are from WA and there a few others here as well cheers and good luck with your search
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New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Perth WA
Thanks Moto & The Scollays.
I'm trying to stick to our budget of 25K and I'm scared if I go into Caravanland (Local Jayco Dealer) I will end up ordering a new one!
I will hang in there for a few more weeks to see what becomes available in the Outback model over here in WA. There seems to be a lot more available for sale in the Eastern States so a road trip may be on the cards?


what toe

Aug 23, 2010
Perth, WA
Im from WA, I have an outback and would suggest you buy one, even if you have to go second hand. Once you go off the beaten track its pretty much all you want to do. You will be spewing if you cant because you didnt wanna spend a little more. There are ways to beef up the road version, chassis and suspension etc, but you will be forking out and modifying. In saying that, people forget about the load we put on tyres. The heat generated in tyres under load over long distances can cause huge problems, especially offroad. So that would be another thing to think about.
With second hand vans, as long as it has been looked after, they generally havent been used all that much. Not a lot of people can get away in their van every weekend. Worth a look anyway.
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Forum Patriarch
Staff member
Sep 26, 2010
Gold Coast Hinterland
G'day Fam Man and welcome to the forum. We have just returned from 3 months in WA and whenever possible I spoke to people about the Expanda Forum. I was surprised at the number of people who told me they had bought the van with the idea of the big trip and were going to sell when they returned home. So there should be quite a few available but as you said, probably from the eastern states. A road trip would be a great idea.

I would definitely go for the OB if you can afford the difference in cost but be aware that Outback does not really mean "off road". The OB is is set up to handle rougher (read dirt) roads, and has higher clearance, more water and gas so is better for free camping.

As to faults, there are a number of posts on the forum where members have discussed their problems but most have not had any major problems.

Good luck with your search. :car:
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New Member
Jan 6, 2012
Perth WA
Thanks for the advise Chartrock and What toe.
I'm convinced I'm going to buy an outback now, especially after reading Cruza's post of his trip away to the red center. If that doesn't inspire you nothing will!
I'll keep an eye out for a good second hand one until end of Feb. If nothing comes up by then, then I'll hit the bank up for a loan and buy a new one.

Thanks Again! :)

Jim and Tab

New Member
Jul 29, 2011
Bendigo Victoria
gday fam-man
for years we bought of-road camper trailer then the hawk but realised we didnt need to get the offroad version.
it depends on what you plan to do with your van and whereyou plan to go.
we have never done the big offroad places gunbarrel-ann bedell etc dosnt interest us with hours and hours of corogations.
we found we camp somewhere then do day trips off-roading(some really rough day trips)
when we bought our new expanda we didnt even look at the out back.
we got two water tanks standard
two gas bottles standard
in the deal we wanted onboaed battery.
if your not planning big off-road trips a standard expanda will probly be easier and cheaper to find
we free camp all we can.light dirt roads etc no problems.for more clearance just undersling the axle.
cheers jim-tab and diamond
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Capt. Gadget

Obsessive & Compulsive Gadget Man
Dec 1, 2011
Busselton W.A.
be aware that Outback does not really mean "off road". The OB is is set up to handle rougher (read dirt) roads, and has higher clearance, more water and gas so is better for free camping.


Not according to this Guy

Although I think I would still side with you Chartrock
I have a mate who is a regular Caravan world reader who told me about this article when he heard I was buying an Expanda I have yet to borrow his old issues and read the whole story.
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